Dr. Robert Brown image


Professor of Religion
Contact Info

Office: Cleveland 108
Phone: (540) 568-5415
Fax: (540) 568-8072


Ph.D. University of Iowa


Professor Brown's research has been focused on transitions toward intellectual modernity in early America. His book, Jonathan Edwards and the Bible, examined Edwards’s appropriation of critical interpretive methods and their implications for understanding the Bible as a form of divine revelation. More recently he published the ninth volume of Cotton Mather’s biblical commentary, the Biblia Americana, which is the first American work to integrate critical interpretation with biblical studies. He has also written numerous chapters and articles on a variety of topics in American religion, such as religious literacy, the history of theological method in America in the 19th and 20th centuries, and religion and politics. He is currently at work on a project involving the sermons of Ezra Stiles.


Prof. Brown teaches courses on Religion in America, including New Religious Movements, African American religion, and Evangelicalism.

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