Instructor of Philosophy
Year Started at JMU: 2023
Contact Info
Office: Cleveland Hall 320
Phone: 540-568-6394
Email: green4dc@jmu.edu
Ph.D. Philosophy, University of California Riverside
M.A., Philosophy, University of California Riverside
B.A., Philosophy and English, Brandeis University
Daniel Green's research focuses primarily on 19th and 20th Century Continental Philosophy with a specific focus on German Idealism and Hegel. He is particularly interested in the central role aesthetic harmony plays in truth and moral virtue in these thinkers. He is also personally interested in Eastern and indigenous thought and practice and incorporates these perspectives into his classes.
At JMU, Daniel Green currently teaches Philosophy 150: Ethical Reasoning. Prior to joining JMU, Green taught at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Assumption University, and UC Riverside. Outside of philosophy, he enjoys spending his time in nature and cultivating his meditation practice.