Professor of Philosophy
Contact Info
Office: Cleveland 318
Phone: (540) 568-3531
Fax: (540) 568-8072
B.A. St. Louis University
M.A. University of York, England
Ph.D. St. Louis University
Dr. Piper specializes in normative ethics, especially debates concerning well-being and autonomy. He has also written on topics in metaethics, applied ethics, and the philosophy of education.
Dr. Piper teaches PHIL 120 critical thinking, PHIL 200 virtue and character, PHIL 330 moral theory, and PHIL 440 advanced moral philosophy. He has also taught ethical reasoning and problems in applied ethics.
Recent and Forthcoming Publications:
“Justifying Respect for Autonomy,” forthcoming in the Routledge Handbook of Autonomy (ed. Ben Colburn).
“Between Virtuous and Effective Leadership,” Journal of Character Education 17:2 (2021): 93-102.
“Administration, Faculty, and the Hard Free Speech Questions,” (with Jonathan R. Alger) Academe 105:1 (2019): 14-19.
“Struggling for Clarity on Well-Being,” Southwest Philosophy Review 35:1 (2018): 155-162.
“Critical Thinking and Empowerment,” in Steven M. Cahn, Alexandra Bradner, and Andrew P. Mills (eds.), Philosophers in the Classroom: Essays on Teaching (Indianapolis: Hackett, 2018): 75-82.
“Mink and Brace’s Accidental Conference on the Design Argument,” Philosophy Now (April/May 2018): 57-58
“Justifying Oneself,” European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 13:1 (2017): 27-38.
“Mass-Audience Interactive Narrative Ethical Reasoning Instruction,” International Journal of Ethics Education 2:2 (2017): 161-173.