Quick answer:
Longer answer:
Philosophy seeks answers to such fundamental questions as: What is ultimately real? What is the nature and extent of our knowledge? What is the source and nature of our moral obligations? Students majoring in Philosophy explore these types of questions and develop answers that can be defended in the arena of reasoned controversy. Philosophy covers many areas of the human experience, including the study of reality, existence, logic, and moral and social issues.
Philosophy graduates pursue careers in business, education, government, and the Nonprofit sector. Future career options may be determined not so much by the choice of the philosophy major, but by your interests, skills, values, and types of work experiences acquired during college. Regardless of your career aspirations, increase your marketability to employers through internships, related work experience, good grades, advanced coursework, and involvement in campus activities. Many careers do not require a specific major, but rather a wide range of demonstrated skills, accomplishments, and work experience while in school.
A Sample of Related Occupations
Admissions Counselor Advertising Account Executive Attorney Business Manager Child Welfare Worker Claims Examiner Conflict Resolution Specialist Consultant Consumer Advocate Copy Writer Corporate Trainer Corrections Officer Counselor Customer Relations Representative Editor/Writer |
Employee Relations Specialist FBI/CIA Agent Financial Planner Foreign Service Officer Fundraiser Government Agency Administrator Hospital Administrator Human Resources Specialist Insurance Agent/Broker Investment Counselor Journalist Lawyer Lobbyist Market Researcher Nonprofit Administrator |
Paralegal Personnel Recruiter Professor/Educator Psychologist Public Information Officer Public Policy Specialist Public Relations Specialist Public Service Official Publications Specialist Realtor Religious Leader Sales/Marketing Representative Social Worker Travel Consultant Youth Counselor |
Types of Employers
Private & Nonprofit Organizations |
Advertising Agencies Consumer Organizations Cultural Organizations Entertainment Firms Foundations Hotels/Restaurants/Resorts Insurance Companies |
Law Firms Libraries Magazines/Newspapers Management/Consulting Firms Manufacturing Firms Media Organizations Museum, Historical Societies |
Personnel Agencies Professional Associations Public Relations Firms Publishing Firms Retail Stores Universities
Government Agencies |
Central Intelligence Agency Civil Rights Commission Consumer Affairs Office Criminal Courts Department of Labor Division of Youth and Family Services |
Drug Enforcement Agency Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal/State Congressional Offices Foreign Service Legislative Affairs
Peace Corps Smithsonian Institution U.S. Customs Service U.S. Information Agency Voice of America