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Research Description
My research aims for deeper understanding of galaxies and their cosmic evolution. I use multi-wavelength observations, space- and ground-based, to investigate the factors that determine the existence of an actively accreting central massive black hole (millions to billions of times the mass of our sun) in some galaxies and not in others. Undergraduate students are actively involved in these studies.
- PhD in Physics and Astronomy, 2004, Ohio University, Athens, OH
- BS in Physics, 1995, University of Bucharest, Romania
Select Publications
- Kuo, C. Y.; Constantin, A., Braatz, J. A.; Chung, H. H.; *Witherspoon, C. A.; Pesce, D.; Impellizzeri, C. M. V.; Gao, F.; Hao, Lei; Woo, J.-H.; Zaw, Ingyin, Enhancing the H2O Megamaser Detection Rate Using Optical and Mid-infrared Photometry, 2018, The Astrophysical Journal, 860, 169
- Constantin, A., Shields, J.C., Ho, L.C., Barth, A., Filippenko, A., and *Castillo, C. A., Dissecting the Power Sources of Low-Luminosity Emission-Line Galaxy Nuclei via Comparison of HST-STIS and Ground-Based Spectroscopy, 2015, The Astrophysical Jour- nal, 814, 149
- Constantin, A., Green, P., Aldcroft, T., Kim, D.-W., Haggard, D., Barkhouse, & W., Anderson, S., Probing the Balance of AGN and Star-Forming Activity in the Local Universe with ChaMP., 2009, The Astrophysical Journal, 705, 1336
*undergraduate student author