INTA, 2019
Celine Gomez - INTA 2019
What is your current position?
I currently work as an analyst for the Department of Defense, focusing on counterbalancing US adversaries in the weapons domain.
How did the International Affairs major prepare you for this?
INTA laid the foundation for my understanding of US relations with the rest of the world, the evolving threat landscape, and which state and non-state entities pose the greatest threat to our national security. It prepared me for a multitude of security aspects, such as understanding the political frameworks countries are emboldened and limited by; failed and successful unilateral and multilateral initiatives; and the critical points at which world powers rise and fall. All of this has contributed to my career by allowing me to dive into my work with a foundational understanding of why the international landscape is what it looks like today and how it may be mitigated for a brighter future.