Jeremy Kleidosty received his PhD in International Relations from the University of St Andrews in 2013. He also holds a Master's in International Political Theory from the University of St Andrews and a Bachelor's of Political Science from Arizona State University. His teaching and research interests include constitutional issues, governance, comparative political thought, the history of political thought, Islamic political thought, Christian political thought, Middle Eastern Politics, foreign policy, representation of marginalized groups, and the interaction of religious and political narratives.
Dr. Kleidosty's first book, The Concert of Civilizations (2015, Routledge), deconstructs arguments about Western and Islamic civilizational clash, carefully examining the root theories, theologies, and political structures that led to the constitutional structures and values we see today. In additional to defining a new mode of constitutionalism that is more suited to comparative, cross-cultural analysis, it offers novel comparisons of classic texts like Magna Carta, The Constitution of Medina, and The Federalist Papers, among others. These theories are then examined at work via case studies of the Tunisian constitution of 1861 and The Arab Spring.
Dr. Kleidosty has also co-authored numerous books in the Routledge Macat Library of classic political texts including Hobbes' Leviathan, Rawl's Theory of Justice, Locke's Two Treatises of Government, and The Federalist Papers. These books provide students with key information about these seminal texts, their interpretations, and their ongoing influence in the world. He has also published research on Islamic political thought, the depersonalization of political power in constitutional traditions, the use of quietism to create space for religious minorities, and other comparative political theory work in various academic journals and book chapters, including Philosophy East and West, Intellectual History Review, and New Middle Eastern Studies. His work has also explored into the use of social media in the spread of these political ideas, as seen in Encyclopedia of Social Media and Politics (Sage, 2014).
In addition to his teaching and research work, Dr. Kleidosty is the founder of RepresentINQ, which advocates for better representation and inclusion of immigrant, neurodiverse, and queer people in the public and private sector. He serves as a founding trustee of Edinburgh Peace Institute, a volunteer with Neurodiversity in Business, and has offered practical training and consulting to government workers on cross-cultural, interreligious dialogue and governance. He also provides training to teachers from several countries on issues related to inclusive education, technology use in the classroom, and autism/ADHD/neurodiversity issues.