James Madison University provides full-service police protection to the campus community through its police department. The James Madison University Police Department is headed by a Chief of Police who reports to the Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance. The jurisdiction of the University Police includes, but is not limited to, a core campus of 712 acres and 111 major buildings to include all university-owned, -leased or -controlled property. There are (45) sworn and commissioned police officers, all with comprehensive arrest powers. Thirty-one (31) officers are full-time and they are augmented by part-time officers. Full-time officers are members of a patrol unit, an investigative/forensic unit or special events unit. Patrol units patrol the campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week while enforcing state statutes, protecting property, and responding to reported criminal incidents and traffic concerns. Four patrol officers augment the Harrisonburg Police Department within the City of Harrisonburg with servicing off-campus student housing areas adjacent to campus.
James Madison University Police Department
821 South Main Street
Anthony - Seeger Hall, MSC 6810
Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807
Ph: 540-568-6911
Fax: 540-568-7926