To submit a protocol, please go to:

To access the User Guide, please go to:

Important Notes

Please note the following:

  • Protocol Submission Deadline (for Full Board Protocols only)
    • **All Full Board protocols submitted AFTER the deadline WILL NOT be reviewed until the NEXT scheduled meeting!
  • Protocol approval will be for a maximum of (1) year.
  • The principal investigator will be contacted annually to verify the status of the project.
  • If no significant change in the protocol has occurred, renewal approval may be extended for a year, until the maximum period of three years has been met.
  • Any significant change in the protocol requires a new application and the IRB’s approval.
  • Approval will be canceled for discontinued projects.
Internal Review Process

Once we receive your electronic Human Research Review Request, ORI will review it to check for any errors, make edits, and/or provide suggestions. Although the ORI does not approve the protocols, we are in a position to see the types of issues that cause them to be returned for additional changes. As a service to you, we try to make sure that each protocol is submitted without any missing information in order to maximize your chances for a speedy review.

Reviewers are given (5) business days to review each completed protocol.

Please submit a Final Report within the eRA system or a Close-Out Form (if protocol was submitted prior to the implementation of the eRA) within 30 days of your project end date. Multi-year projects will need to be submitted annually. Although the IRB office sends reminders, it is ultimately your responsibility to submit the continuing review report in a timely fashion to ensure there is no lapse in IRB approval.

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