Director of Duke Hall Gallery of Fine Art; Associate Professor of Art History
Contact Info
- Ph.D. (Art History), Columbia University
- M.Phil. (Art History), Columbia University
- M.A. (Art History and Criticism), The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
- B.A. (Art History), The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Areas of Expertise
Modern and contemporary art history, Africana studies, feminist theory, gender and sexuality studies, postcolonial theory, aesthetic theory and contemporary philosophy
Edited Books:
More than the Pain: Affect and Emotion in the Black Lives Matter Movement. Co-edited with Steve Peraza. (Currently under review for publication).
(Re)framing the Feminine: Women’s Studies, Feminism, Gender Identity and the Academy. Co-edited with Noelle Chaddock. (currently under review for publication).
Hinderliter, Beth, William Kaizen, Vered Maimon, Jaleh Mansoor, and Seth McCormick. Communities of Sense: Rethinking Aesthetics and Politics. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2009.
Book Chapters:
“Diversifying Shared Governance: Intentional Strategies and Best Practices.” co-authored with Noelle Chaddock. In S. F. Cramer, ed., Shared Governance: Demands, Transitions, Transformations. Volume 1. (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2017): 221-228.
“Race as episteme in Africana Studies,” co-authored with Noelle Paley. In Africana Studies: Beyond, Race, Class and Culture.Edited by John Marah and Seth Asumah, (Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2015): 9-15.
“Playing Bones: Pia Lindman in Buffalo.” Forthcoming in TDR (2017).
“Arts and Aesthetics in a Globalizing World: Review.” Anthropos 112 (2017): 323-324.
“Seeing Paris in Total Darkness: The Aesthetics of Opacity in Nicolas Klotz’s and Élisabeth Perceval’s La Blessure,” African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal V. 9, Issue 3 (2015). Special issue on “Black Paris: Place, Circulation and the Mapping of Black Experiences.” http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17528631.2015.1085662
“Producing the Common, Dak’Art 2014: Ugochukwu-Smooth C. Nzewi in Conversation with Beth Hinderliter.” NKA: Journal of Contemporary African Art 36 (Spring 2015): 88-93.
“An International Alliance of ‘Colored Humanity’: Robert Williams in Asia,” Journal of Postcolonial Writing V. 50 Issue 4. (2014): 435-451. Special issue on “Alternative Solidarities: Black Diasporas and Cultural Alliances During the Cold War.”
“Citizen Brus Examines His Body: Actionism / Activism in Vienna, 1968.” October 147 (Winter 2014): 78-94.
"The ArtEast School for Contemporary Art: Interview with Gulnara Kasmalieva and Muratbek Djumaliev," Journal of Inquiry and Action in Education: Vol. 6: Iss. 1, Article 7. Available at: http://digitalcommons.buffalostate.edu/jiae/vol6/iss1/7
“The Power of the Virtual: Intensive Movement.” Theory and Event 13.3 (2010). http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/theory_and_event/summary/v013/13.3.hinderliter.html
“Interview with the Artists of the Spurse Collective.” Drain 11 (Fall 2008), http://www.drainmag.com
“The Multiple Worlds of Cindy Sherman’s History Portraits.” Art Bulletin of Victoria 44 (2004): 26-33.
“Yvonne Rainer’s Murder and murder.” New Art Examiner 24 (March 1997): 40- 41.
Books in Preparation:
Aesthetics Against Austerity: Contemporary Art, Racial Capitalism and Debt.
Recent Honors and Awards
- E.O. Smith Arts and Humanities Faculty Development Award, 2017
- Wolfsonian Museum, Miami Florida, Research Associate Award, 2015
- Buffalo State Undergraduate Research Mentor Award, 2015
- United University Professionals Individual Development Grant, 2014
- Muriel A. Howard Excellence in Diversity Award, 2014
- Buffalo State Faculty Student Association Grant, 2013-2014
- Buffalo State Allocation Grant, 2013
- Buffalo State Equity and Diversity Mini-Grant, 2013
- Bentley Historical Library Award, University of Michigan, 2012
- SUNY Research Foundation Grant, 2012
- Buffalo State Provost Grant, 2012
- Buffalo State Diversity Grant, 2011
- C.V. Starr Foundation Fellowship, Columbia University, 2005-2006
- Columbia University Research Fellowship, 2004-2005
- DAAD Fellowship, 2003-2004. Residence in Berlin, enrollment at the Freie Universität, Berlin
- Columbia University Teaching Fellowship, 2001-2002.