
The Master of Arts in Art with Art Education concentration at JMU is a graduate program for certified art educators dedicated to excellence in teaching and directing comprehensive art education programs in schools, museums, art organizations, or in the private sector. The program includes in-depth analysis of the methods and techniques for teaching studio art, art history, art criticism and aesthetics.

The program promotes graduates who are: 1) dedicated art education professionals 2) articulate art education advocates and 3) charismatic leaders who demonstrate art education as a vital component of general education.

Financial Support

M.A. in Art with Art Education concentration students are accommodated in Duke Hall in the Art Education Center. Students enrolled full-time in the program may receive a Graduate Assistantship or Graduate Teaching Assistantship during their first year of study.

Program Requirements

The candidate must have an art-teaching license and submit three letters of recommendation, a teaching philosophy, a sample lesson plan, and a personal statement as an indication of preparation for graduate study.  

The program of study includes nine hours in art education, three hours in art history, three hours in criticism, nine hours in education and/or art education electives (directed study) and six hours of thesis.

Graduate Director for Art Education
Profile Image for Dr. William Wightman

Dr. William Wightman

Art Education Area Coordinator; NASAD Coordinator; Graduate Director for Art Education; Professor of Art and Art Education

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