
The M.A. in Art seeks to support artistic growth beyond the level of the baccalaureate. Although the goals for the M.A. reflect those of the M.F.A., the M.A. degree is viewed as an option for studio study, which doesn’t result in a terminal degree in the visual arts.

Program Requirements

Candidates must meet the same admission requirements as candidates for the Master of Fine Arts degree. The M.A. in Art requires courses in studio work, art history, Contemporary Art Theory, and seminar classes.

Near the end of the program of study, the candidate must produce an exhibition of his/her graduate artwork, a digital portfolio of the exhibition (to be retained by the university) and a written statement clarifying the student’s work, its development and its cultural and historical references. An oral comprehensive examination, generally in conjunction with the exhibition and closely related to the written statement, will also be held.

Up to nine hours of graduate transfer credit may be accepted toward the Master of Arts degree, and must meet the same criteria as those accepted for the Master of Fine Arts degree. No more than six hours of transfer credit will be accepted in the area of studio.

Graduate Director for Art
Profile Image for Corinne Diop

Corinne Diop

Graduate Director for Art, Photography Area Coordinator, Coordinator of Art Minor, Professor of Art

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