Professor of Sociology and Sociology Program Coordinator
Contact Info
Website: https://sites.lib.jmu.edu/benbrewer/
Ph.D. (Sociology), The Johns Hopkins University
M.A. (Sociology), The Johns Hopkins University
B.A. (Sociology), University of California at Santa Cruz
- Work and Society
- Social Issues in a Global Context
- Introduction to Developing Societies
- Sociological Inquiry
- Capitalism and Alternative Economies
- Sociology of Sport
Economic Sociology, Work, Craft Economies and "Making", World-Systems Analysis, Development and Global Inequalities, the Social Economy and Resilient Societies.
"The Commerical Transformation of World Football and the North-South Divide: A Global Value Chain Analysis" (2017) International Review for the Sociology of Sport.
"Making the 'Handmade' Bike and Trying to Make a Living: Market Objects, Field-Configuring Events and Some Limits to Market Making" (2017) Consumption, Markets & Culture.
"Global Commodity Chains and the Organizational Grounding of Consumer Cultural Production" (2015) Critical Sociology.
"Global Commodity Chains and World Income Inequalities: The 'Upgrading' Paradox and the Missing Link of Inequality” (2011) Journal of World-Systems Research.
"The Long Twentieth Century and the Cultural Turn: World-Historical Origins of the Cultural Economy” (2011) Journal of World-Systems Research.
"Industrial Convergence and the North-South Income Divide: A Rejoinder to Firebaugh (2004)" with Giovanni Arrighi and Beverly J. Silver, (2005) Studies in Comparative International Development.
"Industrial Convergence and the Persistence of the North-South Divide" & "Response to Alice Amsden" with Giovanni Arrighi and Beverly J. Silver, (2003) Studies in Comparative International Development.
"Commercialization in Professional Cycling 1950-2000: Institutional Transformations and the Rationalization of 'Doping’” (2002) Sociology of Sport Journal.
"Trade Globalization since 1795: Waves of Intergration in the World-System" with Christopher Chase-Dunn and Yukio Kawano, (2000) American Sociological Review.