Dr. Bethany Bryson image

Ph.D. (sociology) Princeton University

B.S. (sociology) James Madison University

  • Sociology of Culture
  • Social Inequality
  • Sexuality
  • Sociology of Gender
  • Race and Ethnicity
  • Social Statistics

2021.  “Whose Rights are Civil Rights? Evaluating Group Threat as an Explanation for Racial Differences in Attitudes toward Same-Gender Sexuality.” With Alexander K. Davis. Journal of Homosexuality. Forthcoming in print. Published online July 15, 2021. Link for the paper title: https://doi.org/10.1080/00918369.2021.1945336

2020.  “When Survey Respondents Cheat: Internet Exposure and Ideological Consistency in the United States.” International Journal of Communication. Vol. 14. pp. 5351–5374.  Link for the paper title: https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/13467

2020.  “Polarizing the Middle: Internet Exposure and Public Opinion.” International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. Vol. 40, no. 1/2. pp. 99-113.  Link for the paper title: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJSSP-09-2019-0181

2016.  “Symbolic Boundaries.” Ch. 25 in The Sage Handbook of Cultural Sociology. edited by David Inglis and Anna-Mari Almila. London: Sage.

2014. “’Own It!’: Constructions of Masculinity and Heterosexuality on Reality Makeover Television.” with Alexander Davis and Laura Rogers. Cultural Sociology. 8(3):258-274.

2010. Conquering Stereotypes in Research on Race and Gender. Sociological Forum, 25(1): 161-166. with Alexander K. Davis.

2007. “"Public Attitudes toward Cultural Authority and Cultural Diversity in Higher Education and the Arts." with Paul J. DiMaggio, in Casey Blake’s (ed.) The Arts of Democracy: Art, Public Culture, and the State, University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 243-274. Link for the paper title: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/6885271.pdf

2005. Making Multiculturalism: Boundaries and Meaning in US English Departments. Stanford University Press.  Link: https://www.sup.org/books/title/?id=7609

2001. " Opinion Polarization." with Paul DiMaggio and John Evans, American Journal of Sociology.  Link: https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/320297?journalCode=ajs

1999. "Multiculturalism as a Moving Moral Boundary: Literature Professors Redefine Racism." in Michèle Lamont's (ed.), The Cultural Territories of Race: Black and White Boundaries. University of Chicago Press. (in "the pink book")

1996."Anything but Heavy Metal": Symbolic Exclusion and Musical Dislikes." American Sociological Review. Link: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2096459?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents

1996. " Have Americans' Social Attitudes Become More Polarized?" with Paul DiMaggio and John Evans. American Journal of Sociology. Link: https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/230995

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