Dr. Kerry Dobransky image


Professor of Sociology
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BA (Sociology), Kent State University
MA (Sociology), Northwestern University
PhD (Sociology), Northwestern University

  • Digital Inequality
  • Microsociology: The Individual and Society
  • Sociology of Organizations
  • Medical Sociology
  • Madness and Society: The Sociology of Mental Health and Illness
  • Disability and Society

Sociology of Mental Health/Illness, Organizations, Disability, Health/Social Policy, Information and Communication Technologies, Cultural Sociology


2021.  Dobransky, Kerry and Eszter Hargittai. “The Closing Skills Gap: Revisiting the Digital Disability Divide.” Pp. 274-282 in E. Hargittai, Ed. The Handbook of Digital Inequality. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

2021.  Dobransky, Kerry and Eszter Hargittai. “Piercing the Pandemic Social Bubble: Disability and Social Media Use About COVID-19.” American Behavioral Scientist 65(12):1698-1720. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F00027642211003146

2020.  Dobransky, Kerry and Eszter Hargittai. “People with Disabilities during COVID-19.” Contexts: Sociology for the Public 19(4):46-49. https://doi.org/10.1177/1536504220977935

2020.  Dobransky, Kerry. "Reassessing Mental Illness Stigma in Mental Health Care: Competing Stigmas and Risk Containment." Social Science and Medicine 249. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.112861

2019.  Dobransky, Kerry. “Breaking Down Walls, Building Bridges: Professional Stigma Management in Mental Health Care.” Society and Mental Health 9(2):228-242. https://doi.org/10.1177/2156869317750705

2018.  Dobransky, Kerry. "Digital Divides, Disability and." pp. 201-203 in Warf, B., Ed., The SAGE Encyclopedia of the Internet. Sage. http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781473960367.n66

2017.  Hargittai, Eszter and Kerry Dobransky. “Old Dogs, New Clicks: Digital Inequality in Skills and Uses Among Older Adults”. Canadian Journal of Communication 42:195-212.

2017.  Dobransky, Kerry. “Community Mental Health Care Organizations.” in Scheid, T and Wright E, Handbook of for the Study of Mental Health: Social Contexts, Theories, and Systems, 3rd ed. New York: Cambridge University Press.

2016.  Dobransky, Kerry and Eszter Hargittai. “Unrealized Potential: Exploring the Digital Disability Divide.” Poetics: Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media, and the Arts 58: 18-28.

2014.  Dobransky, Kerry. Managing Madness in the Community: The Challenge of Contemporary Mental Health Care. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

2012.  Dobransky, Kerry and Eszter Hargittai.  “Inquiring Minds Acquiring Wellness: Uses of Online and Offline Sources for Health Information.”  Health Communication 27:331-343.

2011.  Dobransky, Kerry.  “Labeling, Looping, and Social Control: Contextualizing Diagnosis in Community Mental Health Care.”  Advances in Medical Sociology 12:111-131.

2009.  Dobransky, Kerry.  “The Good, the Bad, and the Severely Mentally Ill: Official and Informal Labels as Organizational Resources in Community Mental Health Services.”  Social Science and Medicine 69:722-728 

2008.  DeSoucey, Michaela, JoEllen Pozner, Corey Fields, Kerry Dobransky, and Gary Alan Fine.  “Memory and Sacrifice: An Embodied Theory of Martyrdom.” Cultural Sociology 2:99-121.

2007.  Dobransky, Kerry.  “City Folk: Survival Strategies of Tradition-Bearing Organizations.”  Poetics: Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media and the Arts 35: 239-261.

2006.  Dobransky, Kerry and Gary Alan Fine.  “The Native in the Garden: Floral Politics and Cultural Entrepreneurs.”  Sociological Forum 21:559-584.

2006.  Dobransky, Kerry and Eszter Hargittai.  “The Disability Divide in Internet Access and Use.”  Information, Communication and Society 9:313-334.

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