Pronouns are words that are used in place of nouns to avoid repetition. Pronouns must agree with their antecedent—the subject to which the pronoun refers—in number and gender. Examples of pronouns include he, she, itthey, we, I, and one among other words that are used to replace nouns in our writing. So, for instance, you might use “she” instead of “Emily Elizabeth” or “they” instead of “the group of students” as long as it is clear to whom or what you refer. 


What is a pronoun?: this guide explores the definition, types, and agreements of pronouns.

Common Confusions

Can I use "I"?

Why should I avoid using too many "it is" and "there are" sentences?

Who, which, and that

Gender-Neutral Pronouns

When you're writing generally and seeking to be inclusive, favor plural nouns over singular nouns  (e.g., "All students are welcome in the University Writing Center" encourages later sentences that start with plural pronouns like "They"). Explicitly gender-neutral pronouns are becoming increasingly common in academic writing. 

Gender-inclusive language: defines "gendered language" and offers help with gendered nouns, titles and names, and pronouns.

Frequently asked questions about gender pronouns: includes a definition, history, and how-to guide.

Gender-neutral pronouns: the linguistic state of affairs, exploring gender-neutral pronouns, and opening a discussion on the possibility of adoption. 

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