Top: Whitten Maher's "At The Breeze: Changes" note on the Opinion page of the first issue of The Breeze in the 2008 - 2009 academic year. Published Monday, August 25, 2008 (page 9). Maher served as Breeze Opinion editor from April 3, 2008 - March 30, 2009.
Above left: The Breeze front cover for Monday, August 25, 2008, the day Maher published "At The Breeze: Changes."
Above right: The Breeze front cover for Thursday, August 28, 2008, the very next issue of The Breeze after "Changes." Maher wasn't designing for the paper at this point, but the remarkable shifts in layout and color in the JMU Libraries' Breeze archives highlight the changes during his tenure.
Bottom left: Maher's Thursday, August 28, 2008, Breeze Opinion page (page 9) after announcing the new changes. Note the "Attention, Please" editorial and the invitation to members of the public to serve as guest columnists.
Bottom right: Maher's first Breeze front page. Published April 2, 2009. Maher served as Breeze Design Editor from April 2, 2009 - April 1, 2010, and worked within the existing template above through the rest of April 2009. For examples of Maher's original design work, check out "Whitten Maher: Design Editor."