The following resources are available to employees to request accommodations, to support supervisors in processing accommodations, to provide a sample syllabus statement for faculty, and to learn more about accessibility.

Requesting an Accomodation
Employees who wish to request an accommodation should contact their HR Benefits Specialist. This link provides information from HR including required forms and contact links.

Accommodation Request Checklist for Supervisors
HR's Employee Accommodation Request Checklist aids supervisors when an employee is communicating the presence of a disability and/or requesting an a accommodation.
Sample Accessibility Statement for Syllabus
James Madison University is committed to access, inclusion, and diversity. If you have a documented disability (or think you may have a disability) and, as a result need reasonable accommodations to participate in this class, complete course requirements, or benefit from the University's programs or services, contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) as soon as possible. To receive accommodations, you must be appropriately registered with ODS. The ODS works confidentially in partnership with students, faculty, and other University departments to ensure equal access through Universal Design and reasonable accommodations. The office is located in the Student Success Center, Suite 1202. You may contact them by phone at 540-568-6705 or through email at
Sign-up for the JMU Accessibility Listserv
An accessibility listserv has been established for those interested in accessibility legislation, trends, tips, tools and discussions on what JMU us or should be doing. Please use this link to subscribe.. If you have issues with this please contact Christina Wulf.
External Resources
- Office of Civil Rights: Auxiliary Aids and Services for Postsecondary Students with Disabilities-- Higher Education's Obligations Under Section 504 and Title II of the ADA - Answers questions about tape recording lectures and other concerns faculty may have about legally required accommodations.
- DisABILITY Resources Toolbox (DART) -- APA's Disability Issues Office has developed this DisABILITY Resources Toolbox (DART) as a central location replete with information and tools that psychology training directors and faculty can use to better support students with disabilities.
- Do-It Project from the University of Washington - Resources for accommodations and universal design in teaching; Do-It serves to increase the success of individuals with disabilities in challenging academic programs and careers. It promotes the use of computer and networking technologies to increase independence, productivity, and participation in education and employment.
- The National Rehabilitation Information Center's online gateway provides disability and rehabilitation oriented information organized in a variety of formats designed to make it easy for users to find and use.