You are receiving an Academic Notice e-mail because your most recent semester/term grade point average (GPA) was below 2.0.  Although you are currently in Academic Good Standing (a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher) and are eligible to enroll/remain enrolled at JMU, you must address the potential risks associated with sustained poor academic performance.

Continued academic struggles could result in your cumulative GPA falling below 2.0 at the end of a future semester/term. If this occurs, you may face Academic Probation, Academic Suspension Alert, and/or Academic Suspension, which could impact your enrollment status and potentially delay your graduation. See more detailed information about JMU's academic standing policy

Understanding that there are various reasons for a lower semester/term GPA, JMU wants to ensure you are aware of the available resources to support your academic journey. For the upcoming semester/term, we encourage you to consider utilizing the following resources:

Academic Advising:  Schedule a meeting with your academic adviser to discuss any necessary course adjustments for the 2024 fall semester. If you need assistance with choosing or changing your major, consult with an Exploratory Advisor from University Advising

Academic Support Resources:  Take advantage of the academic support services provided by The Learning Centers (which include the University Writing Center, the Science and Math Learning Center, the Communication Center, and PASS), Learning Success Strategies, the Office of Residence Life’s SLI Resource Center, and individual departments and student organizations.  A comprehensive list of JMU academic resources is available on the Learning Resource Hub.

Office of Disability Services (ODS):  ODS is available to ensure equal access to JMU’s programs, services, and activities. For more information, visit the ODS website for additional information.

Self-Care Resources:  Take care of your mental, emotional, and physical health by exploring self-care resources offered by JMU,  including the Counseling Center, REBOUND, Well Dukes, and UREC.

We want you to be successful at JMU and hope that you will take the necessary steps to improve your academic performance during the upcoming semester/term.

We wish you a successful and productive spring semester.


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