Academic Success Program (ASP)
Fall 2024
Week of September 9-Week of November 18
The Academic Success Program (ASP) is a program intervention developed to assist JMU students in an academic suspension or probation status to become holistic and well-rounded student scholars. ASP’s mission is to help students identify their areas of greatest talent and assist them in determining how to apply those talents toward success in their academics. ASP accomplishes this mission by assisting students with academic strategies, professional skills, and personal motivational needs to be successful at JMU.
- Review the Academic Success Program Screening Presentation (explaining ASP and its requirements), complete the Academic Success Program (ASP) Student Profile, and the Learning Assessment & Study Strategies Instrument (LASSI) first administration/pre-test
- Meet with your Peer Instructor (PI) at least three times during the semester, attend and actively participate in designated workshops, study halls, and visit at least two campus resources.
- At the first meeting, the “Intake Meeting,” you and your PI will work collaboratively to identify workshops, campus resources, and study halls that will best support you and complete a compliance plan. Meeting two will be “check-ins.” The final meeting, number three, will consist of a reflection of the program and ensure that all program requirements were met.
- You must complete the ASP requirements outlined in the Compliance Plan explained by your PI.
- Complete the Learning Assessment & Study Strategies Instrument (LASSI) second administration/post-test prior to the final meeting with your PI. Bring the results to your final meeting and discuss them with your PI.
Compliance Plan:
In addition to meeting with your assigned PI a minimum of 3 times during the semester, you will be required to attend 2 workshops (topics include time management, self-care, studying, motivation, and professional etiquette), 5 study halls, and 2 campus resources. You will receive a fall 2024 workshop schedule and study hall schedule during your “Intake Meeting,” and you will choose which campus resources you would like to utilize. Completion of each of these requirements will determine your overall compliance with the program.
Program Compliance:
The three categories of program compliance are as follows:
- Fully Complaint: Student satisfied ALL stated requirements within the Compliance Plan
- Partially Complaint: Student satisfied MOST requirements within the Compliance Plan
- Not Compliant: Student satisfied LESS THAN HALF of the requirements within the Compliance Plan
An end-of-semester compliance report will be sent to your academic college or to Academic Student Services
Attendance Policy:
Attendance at all ASP meetings, workshops, and study halls are outlined in the Compliance Plan is required. We recognize that extenuating circumstances could arise. However, with a personally tailored program intentionally planned to meet your individual needs, attendance is crucial to your experience.
- Workshops & Study Hall Schedule Conflicts: Workshop topics are repeated throughout the semester, except for professional etiquette. Study halls are scheduled biweekly between the weeks of September 23 and December 2 (except for fall break and Thanksgiving break), so there will be multiple opportunities to attend specific workshops or study halls.
- Meeting Conflicts: Students are required to meet with their Peer Instructor three times during the semester. Meetings can be scheduled through email communication with their PI. Should you need to reschedule, you can do so through communication with your PI. We understand schedule changes happen, so please stay in contact with your PI often and keep them informed on anything that alters your meetings together.
Communication regarding ASP will be sent to your student email (@dukes.jmu.edu) so please ensure it is fully operational and that you are checking it regularly. It serves as the primary form of communication for JMU students and all other departments and offices, so it is important to stay up to date with it. If you are having any trouble issues or are unable to access this email account, please inform your Peer Instructor immediately.