PLEASE NOTE:  This information ONLY applies to you IF your transcript indicates you are on academic suspension following the 2024 summer session.

NOTE:  If you have been allowed to return to JMU through continued enrollment appeal/the re-entry process, you are subject to the terms in your contract letter

SUBJECT: Suspension status at the end of the 2024 summer session

NOTE:  If you have been allowed to return to JMU through continued enrollment appeal/the re-entry process, you are subject to the terms in your contract letter. 

 Your academic record at the end of the 2024 spring semester places you on academic suspension. According to university policy, academic suspension is applied when a student’s cumulative grade point average is below the minimum required for continued enrollment.  A student on academic suspension may not attend JMU for at least the next twelve months, except as described in the Continued Enrollment Appeal paragraphs of this email.

If no prior (to spring and summer 2024) academic suspension notations appear on your transcript, you may apply for re-entry after a twelve-month absence by submitting an (online) Intent to Enroll form. If more than one academic suspension notation appears on your transcript, you are required to remain separated from JMU for at least twenty-four months and may only return under the Transfer Equivalent Option. An academic review committee evaluates re-entry requests of academic suspension students to determine whether a student may return to James Madison University. Re-entry is not guaranteed.

Continued Enrollment Request/AppealIf no prior (to spring and summer 2024) academic suspension notations appear on your transcript, you are eligible to request/appeal for continued enrollment at JMU for the 2024 fall semester by submitting a Continued Enrollment Request Form.  Please consult the Continued Enrollment Request Process page for further guidance concerning the continued enrollment appeal process.     

2024 Continued Enrollment Appeal Submission Deadlines

If you do not enroll in JMU 2024 summer session courses OR
your last 2024 summer session course ended on or before June 14 your submission deadline is…

June 21

If your last 2024 summer session course ended between June 28-July 12 your submission deadline is…

July 19

If your last 2024 summer session course ended on July 26 your submission deadline is…

August 2

If your last 2024 summer session course ended on August 9 your submission deadline is…

August 14*

*Students are encouraged to submit the form immediately following completion of their summer classes.

Transfer Credit from Other Institutions.  You may wish to consider taking courses at another institution during your time away.  Other students in this situation have used their time away from JMU to complete courses that would transfer to JMU.  Prior to enrolling in courses at another institution, you should complete paperwork with the JMU Office of the Registrar to verify that the courses will be accepted by JMU.  Course work completed during the period of suspension may be considered as part of the criteria for re-entry, but courses taken at another institution cannot be used to raise your grade point average at JMU (your JMU cumulative GPA is calculated only based on grades earned for coursework completed at JMU).

On Campus Housing/Residence Life.  If you are living on campus in a residence hall or on Greek Row, you are obligated by the terms and conditions of the JMU Living Contract. You must contact a staff member or the Office of Residence Life (540-568-4663) to officially check out of your housing assignment.

You are strongly encouraged to review the Academic Standing, Continued Enrollment, and Re-Entry webpage for additional information about the university's policies concerning academic standing, continued enrollment, re-entry procedures, transfer credit, and financial aid. The webpage offers information that will help you make informed decisions, and you should read this page carefully to assure that you understand your rights and responsibilities.

College Contacts:
College of Arts & Letters, Dr. Siân White at
College of Business, Ms. Molly Brown at
College of Education, Dr. Dara Hall at
College of Health and Behavioral Studies, Dr. Kevin Apple at
College of Integrated Science and Engineering, Dr. M. Afzal Upal at
College of Science and Mathematics, Dr. Brycelyn Boardman at   
College of Visual and Performing Arts, Dr. Karin Tollefson at
Professional & Continuing Education (Adult Degree/BIS), Mr. Daniel Robinson at and Ms. Virginia Trovato at
University Studies (IDLS, Independent Scholars, and Exploratory Studies/Undeclared majors), Dr. Audrey Burnett at



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