First-Year Students (New York) and Transfer Students (All Out-of-State Institutions)
Contact Info
My Region:
For First-Year Students: New York
For Transfer Students: All Out-of-State Institutions
Education: B.A. in Psychology from James Madison University
Hometown: Mechanicsville, VA
Advice for students: Congratulations on beginning your career as a college student! Choosing the right college can be an exciting but also overwhelming task, so I recommend doing your research for each school you may be interested in before making a decision. Take opportunities to visit the campus, talk to faculty, alumni and current students, as well as reach out to the admissions counselors to answer any questions you may have along the way. As an admissions counselor, I am here to support and guide you in any way I can. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me! Go Dukes!
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