Gifts can be made via the following methods:
Checks can be mailed to our mailing address with this form:
James Madison University
1031 Harrison Street, MSC 3603
Advancement Gifts & Records
Harrisonburg, VA
For Non-Postal Service shipping and hand delivery, please use our physical location address of:
Advancement Gifts and Records
1031 Harrison Street, MSC 3603
Harrisonburg, VA
Outside of normal office hours (8am-5pm, Monday-Friday), there is a secure drop-box attached to the wall by the main entrance that may be used.
Debit/Credit Cards:
May be submitted 24/7 on our secure giving website or by calling (855) 568-4483 during office hours.
Employee Payroll Deduction:
Complete a payroll deduction form and mail to MSC 3603.
Gifts in Kind typically involve tangible personal property which may include such things as art, books, and equipment. For further details on making a donation of this type, please visit the JMU Giving site.
An alternative to cash is a gift of appreciated securities, which can offer donors greater tax-wise advantages than gifts of cash or other resources. For further details on making a donation of this type, please visit the JMU Foundation site.
Planned giving:
Contact our Planned Giving Office about including JMU in your estate plan or to find out about other creative planned giving options.