The ICYJ is an active shared learning collaborative that strives to promote interdisciplinary intellectual discourse and research in the field of youth justice, develop the next generation of youth justice professionals and leaders, and improve youth systems’ performance and outcomes for youth at-risk for or involved with the youth justice system. 

While mainly focusing on juvenile justice and child welfare systems, the ICYJ is the space for building bridges between, and educating students about, other systems that serve youth: schools, behavioral health services, mental health services, and others.

The ICYJ is a partnership between James Madison University and the RFK National Resource Center for Juvenile Justice. Our shared mission and goals include national and international leadership for positive innovation in policy and practice in youth justice systems. We accomplish these goals through collaborative partnerships with youth justice practitioners and stakeholders, community members, state and local leaders and policy-makers, researchers, students, and youth and their families. 

Housed within two colleges (College of Arts and Letters & College of Health and Behavioral Studies) the ICYJ also promotes the Youth Justice Minor Degree program. 

Contact the Center Director or Center Liaison for more information.

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