Handshake has a wide variety of positions, for students in every major. The positions on this page have been curated from the thousands of jobs and internships on the Handshake platform because they may be of interest to students in this major. Keep in mind that if you are interested in other fields, you can always search Handshake with your own criteria as well.
- Accounting, Finance, & Quantitative Finance
- Anthropology
- Architectural Design
- Art
- Art History
- Athletic Training
- Biology & Biotechnology
- Chemistry & Biophysical Chemistry
- Communication Sciences & Disorders
- Communication Studies
- Computer Information Systems & Computer Science
- Dance
- Dietetics
- Economics
- Education
- Engineering
- English
- Geographic Science
- Geology and Earth Science
- Graphic Design
- Health Sciences
- Health Services Administration
- History
- Hospitality Management
- Industrial Design
- Integrated Science and Technology
- Intelligence Analysis
- International Affairs
- International Business
- Justice Studies
- Kinesiology
- Management
- Marketing
- Mathematics & Statistics
- Media Arts and Design
- Modern Foreign Language
- Music
- Musical Theatre
- Nursing
- Philosophy and Religion
- Physics
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Public Administration
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Sport and Recreation Management
- Theatre
- Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication
Accounting, Finance, & Quantitative Finance
- Handshake:
- Preview accounting jobs and internships
- Preview finance jobs and internships
- Preview quantitative finance jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- American Institute of Certified Public Accountants: Career Center
- Bank Jobs
- eFinancial Careers: The Financial Job Marketplace
- Financial Job Network
- Money Jobs
- OneWire
- Handshake:
- Preview anthropology jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- American Anthropological
Association Jobs - Idealist
- Relief Web
- Society for Applied Anthropology (search under "Employment")
- Work for Good
Architectural Design
- Handshake:
- Preview architectural design jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- AIA Career Center
- Architizer Professional (showcase portfolio)
Archinect - Arkitectum
- Association of Architecture Organizations
- The American Institute of Architecture Students
- The Architect’s Guide and Blog
- Handshake:
- Preview art jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Advertising Photographers of America: SearchAPA (excellent website/portfolio samples)
- Alliance of Artist Communities
- Art Deadline: The Art World’s Source for Income and Exhibition Opportunities
- Artist Residencies in North America
ArtsTie - Aquent Talent Agency: Marketing and Creative Services
- CallForEntry
- College Art Association Online Career Center
- Creative Hotlist – Jobs for Creative Professionals
- HowDesign.com
- PhotoServe.com (portfolio samples)
- ResArtis: Worldwide Network of Art Residencies
- Talent Zoo
- TransArtists
Art History
- Handshake:
- Preview art history jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Advertising Photographers of America: SearchAPA (excellent website/portfolio samples)
- Alliance of Artistic Communities
- American Association of Museums (search under "Find a Job")
- Aquent Talent Agency: Marketing and Creative Services
- Art Deadline: The Art World’s Source for Income and Exhibition Opportunities
- ArtJobs.com
- ArtsTie
- College Art Association Online Career Center
- Creative Hotlist – Jobs for Creative Professionals
- Talent Zoo
Athletic Training
- Handshake:
- Preview kinesiology jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- American College of Sports Medicine
- ExerciseJobs.com
- FitnessJobs.com
- IDEA Health & Fitness Association
- National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) Career Center *must be a member
- TopUSAJobs.com
Biology & Biotechnology
- Handshake:
- Preview biology jobs and internships
- Preview biotechnology jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake (Recommended: Biology, Biomedical, Biotechnology, Energy, Environmental, Conservation, Laboratory, Microbiologist, Pharmaceutical, Research, Technology, Wildlife)
- American Institute of Biological Sciences
- BioSpace
- Biotech Careers
- Biotechnology Careers
- Biotechnology Industry Organization
- Conservation Job Board
- Co-Ops, Internships, and Summer Research for Life Sciences
- Jobs @ NIIH
- Life Science, Medicine, & Chemistry Jobs worldwide| Nobel-Jobs.com
- Medzilla.com: Biotech, Pharmaceutical, and Healthcare Jobs
- The Nature Conservancy
- Nature Jobs
- NewScientist
- Science Careers
- Society for Conservation Biology
- VA Bio Connect Job
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Wiley Science Jobs (Life Sciences)
Chemistry & Biophysical Chemistry
- Handshake:
- Preview chemistry jobs and internships
- Preview biophysical chemistry jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake (Recommended:Biochemistry, Research, Laboratory, Biology, Chemistry, Pharmaceutical)
- American Chemical Society
- Chemical & Engineering News: Chem Jobs
- Chemistry World
- Co-Ops, Internships, and Summer Research for Life Sciences
- Life Science, Medicine, & Chemistry Jobs worldwide| Nobel-Jobs.com
- Medzilla.com: Biotech, Pharmaceutical, and Healthcare Jobs
- NewScientist: Chemistry Jobs (Biology, Chemistry, Environmental, and Pharmaceutical positions)
- Science Careers
Communication Sciences & Disorders
The CSD major is "a pre-professional course that provides the essential background for students to pursue graduate work in Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology." (Source)
If you are searching for employment with a BA or BS in Communication Sciences & Disorders, please contact University Career Center at (540) 568-6555 to make a Job Search appointment with a career counselor.
- Preview communication sciences & disorders jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
Choosing an Audiology Program
Choosing a Speech-Language Pathologist Program
Audiology (Au.D.) Job Search Sites
Speech-Language Pathology (M.S.) and Audiology (Au.D.) Job Search Sites
Communication Studies
- Handshake:
- Preview communication studies jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Freelance Writing Jobs
- Journalism Jobs.com
- Nation Job Network: Public Relations Jobs
- PR Crossing
- PR Week Careers
- Public Relations Society of America: Job Center
- Talent Zoo: Advertising, Marketing, and Public Relations Jobs
Computer Information Systems & Computer Science
- Handshake:
- Preview computer information systems jobs and internships
- Preview computer science jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- AfterCollege.com Computer Science Jobs
- Computer Jobs.com
- Dice.com (leading career site for technology, engineering
and security-cleared professionals) - Gamasutra.com: The Art and Business of Making Games (for gaming programmers and animators)
- Just Tech Jobs.com
- All-Acad.com
- Handshake:
- Preview dance jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- American Association of Community Theatre
- Answers4Dancers
- ArtJobs.com
- Au-di-tions
- Backstage
- Dance.net
- Dance NYC - Auditions and Dance NYC - Jobs and Internships
- DanceUSA
- Joe Goode Performance Group
- National Opera Center America
- New York Foundation of the Arts
- Metropolitan Opera
- Playbill
- Richmond Ballet
- The Career Center
- Washington Ballet
- Washington Performing Arts Society
- Handshake:
- Preview dietetics jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Absolutely Health Care
- Hospitals in the United States
- NutritionJobs.com
- USA Jobs: The Official Job Site of the U.S. Federal Government
- Handshake:
- Preview economics jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Econ-Jobs
- Handshake:
- Preview education jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Education Crossing
- iHire Elementary Teachers
- School Spring
- Southern Teachers Agency
- Teach.org
- Teachers-Teachers
International Teaching Sites
- Handshake:
- Preview Engineering jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- engineering.com
- EngineerJobs.com
- All-Acad.com
- Handshake:
- Preview English jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Academic Careers.com
- Editor&Publisher Jobs (search under "Browse Positions Wanted")
- Freelance Writing Jobs
- Investigative Reporters and Editors, Inc.
- Journalism Jobs.com
- Magazine Publishers of America
- MediaBistro.com: Jobs for Editors, Writers, Television Producers, Graphic Designers, and Book Publishers (also provides links to internships)
- Society for Scholarly Publishing (search "Job Bank")
- Talent Zoo: Advertising, Marketing, and Public Relations Jobs (search "Job Board")
Geographic Science
- Handshake:
- Preview geographic science jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Association of American Geographers
- Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Job Board
- EnergyJobLine
- Environmental Science
- GEO Job Source.com
- GeoSearch: GIS Job Listings
- Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources
Geographic Information Systems
- GIS Jobs Clearinghouse
- U.S. Geological Survey Jobs
- USA Jobs: The Official Job Site of the U.S. Federal Government
- Aerotek Energy Services
- U.S. Department of Energy Jobs
Geology and Earth Science
- Handshake:
- Preview geology jobs and internships
- Preview earth science jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Association for Women Geoscientists: Job Web
- Conservation Job Board
- Co-Ops, Internships, and Summer Research for Life Sciences
- Earthworks Jobs.com
- Environmental Engineering Jobs
- Environmental Science Careers
- Geologist Jobs
- Geology Society of America
- National Park Service
- The Nature Conservancy
- Nature Jobs
- NewScientist: Earth, Environment & Energy Jobs (Biology, Chemistry, Environmental, and Pharmaceutical positions)
- Student Conservation Association
- U.S. Geological Survey Jobs
Graphic Design
- Handshake:
- Preview graphic design jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- AIGA (Professional Association for Design)
- Aquent
- Authentic Jobs
- Creative Circle
- Creative Hotlist – Jobs for Creative Professionals
- Coroflot
- Design Observer
- HowDesign.com
- UCDA.com
Health Sciences
Health Assessment & Promotion Concentration
- Handshake:
- Preview health sciences jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- ExerciseJobs.com
- FitnessJobs.com
- Hospitals in the United States
- IDEA Health & Fitness Association
- MedWorking.com
- The Healthcare Student's Guide to Internships
- Wellness Council of America
Health Studies Concentration
The Health Studies Concentration prepares students for professional programs or graduate school.
If you are searching for employment with a Health Studies Concentration, please contact University Career Center (568-6555) to make a Job Search appointment with a career counselor.
Occupational Therapy (M.O.T.) Job Search Sites
- Handshake:
- Preview health sciences jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Absolutely Health Care
- The Healthcare Student's Guide to Internships
Public Health Education Concentration
- Handshake:
- Preview health sciences jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- American College Health Association
- National Association of County & City Health Officials
- National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc.
- The Healthcare Student's Guide to Internships
- WHO Employment
Health Services Administration
- Handshake:
- Preview health services administration jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Absolutely Health Care
- American Health Information Management Association
- American Public Health Association (APHA) CareerMart Search by "Health Service Administration" in Categories
- ExploreHEALTHCareers
- Hospitals in the United States
- Medical Group Management Association - MGMA Career Center
- Professional Association of Health Care Office Management
- Handshake:
- Preview history jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- American Association of Museums
- American Historical Association (search under "Jobs & Careers;" membership required, student fee is $36)
- Association of Midwest Museums (search under "Jobs")
- Federal Job Search.com
- Global Museum (search under "Museum Jobs")
- H.Net Job Guide: Academic Position Announcements (for history, humanities, social sciences, rhetoric and composition positions in academia)
- LawCrossing.com (search for jobs and internships in the legal profession)
- LawJobs.com
- Mountain-Plains Museum Association (search under "Job Bank")
- Museum Employment Resource Center (search under "Job Vacancies at Museums and Other Cultural Resource Institutions")
- Museum Jobs.com (includes databases for U.S. jobs, U.K. jobs, and international jobs)
- National Council on Public History
- Organization of American Historians
- Smithsonian Institution Vacancy Announcements
- Society of American Archivists Online Employment Bulletin
- Virtual Library Museums Directory (lists U.S. museums by name, state, or type; also lists international museums)
Hospitality Management
- Handshake:
- Preview hospitality management jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Cool Works.com (camp, resort, national park, and ranch jobs)
- CruiseJobLine.com
- Hospitality Careers
- Hospitality Jobs Online
- Meeting Professionals International
- Resort Jobs
- Summer Jobs
- Wine Jobs USA
Industrial Design
- Handshake:
- Preview industrial design jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Advertising Photographers of America: SearchAPA (excellent website/portfolio samples)
- Art Deadline: The Art World’s Source for Income and Exhibition Opportunities
- ArtsTie
- Aquent Talent Agency: Marketing and Creative Services
- College Art Association Online Career Center
- Core77
- Coroflot
- Creative Hotlist – Jobs for Creative Professionals
- HowDesign.com
- Industrial Design Society of America
- International Interior Design Association (search under "Career Center")
- Talent Zoo
Integrated Science and Technology
Applied Biotechnology
- Handshake:
- Preview integrated science and technology jobs and internships
- Preview biotechnology jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Medzilla.com: Biotech, Pharmaceutical, and Healthcare Jobs
- Handshake:
- Preview integrated science and technology jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Aerotek Energy Services
- EnergyJobLine
- U.S. Department of Energy Jobs
- U.S. Geological Survey Jobs
Engineering and Manufacturing Strategic Sector
- Handshake:
- Preview integrated science and technology jobs and internships
- Preview engineering jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Engineer Jobs.com
- Handshake:
- Preview integrated science and technology jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Air and Waste Management Association Job Bank
- Environmental Career Center (search under "Job Board")
- Environmental Protection Agency
- The Nature Conservancy
- Sierra Club
- Sustainable Business.com: Green Dream Jobs
- U.S. Department of Agriculture: Careers
- Environmental Science
Intelligence Analysis
- Handshake:
- Preview intelligence analysis jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- USA Jobs: The Official Job Site of the U.S. Federal Government
- U.S. Intelligence Careers
International Affairs
- Handshake:
- Preview international affairs jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- American Society of International Law (browse jobs and internships)
- Council on Foreign Relations
- GoinGlobal
- International Organization for Standardization
- National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (select from links under "Current Openings")
- Relief Web
- United Nations
- US Aid
- World Trade Organization
Non-Profit Organizations:
- All for Good
- Amnesty International
- Freedom from Hunger Foundation (browse jobs and internships)
- Green Peace (browse jobs and internships)
- Human Rights Watch (browse jobs and internships)
- Idealist.org: Action Without Borders (search for world-wide non-profit jobs and internships)
- InterAction.org: American Council for Voluntary International Action
- The Nature Conservancy
- Peace Corps
- Refugees International (browse jobs, internships, and fellowships)
- Society for Nonprofits
- United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
- U.S. Department of State
International Business
- Handshake:
- Preview international business jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- GoinGlobal
- International Career Employment Center
- National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (select from links under "Current Openings")
- United Nations
Job Search Sites by Country/Region:
Justice Studies
- Handshake:
- Preview justice studies jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- American Academy of Forensic Sciences
- Corrections.com
- Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Homeland Security
- Partnership for Public Service (learn about careers and internships in the federal government)
- Richmond Police Department Employment Opportunities
- Social Service.com
- U.S. Department of Justice
- USA Jobs: The Official Job Site of the U.S. Federal Government
- Virginia Department of Forensic Science
Exercise Science Concentration
- Handshake:
- Preview kinesiology jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- SHAPE America
- American College of Sports Medicine
- Bluefishjobs.com
- ExerciseJobs.com
- FitnessJobs.com
- IDEA Health & Fitness Association
Physical & Health Education Teacher Education Concentration
- Handshake:
- Preview kinesiology jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- SHAPE America
- Teachers-Teachers.com
- Handshake:
- Preview management jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- MBA Careers.com
- Nation Job Network: Financial Jobs
- Handshake:
- Preview marketing jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Marketing EDGE
- Marketing Hire.com (search under "Search Jobs")
- Nation Job Network: Marketing Jobs
- Talent Zoo: Advertising, Marketing, and Public Relations Jobs (search "Job Board")
Mathematics & Statistics
- Preview mathematics jobs and internships
- Preview statistics jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake (Recommended:Actuary, Auditor, Data Mining, Economist, Financial Analyst, Risk Analyst, Mathematician, Statistician, Market Research, Data Manager, Data Scientist)
- American Mathematical Society (See also: REU Summer Programs)
- American Statistical Association
- Big Math Network
- KDNuggets
- Mathematical Association of America
- Mathematics & Statistics Jobs worldwide | Math-Jobs.com
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
- NewScientist: Maths & IT Jobs
- SIAM: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Media Arts and Design
- Handshake:
- Preview media arts and design jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- AIGA (Professional Association for Design)
- American Film Institute
- Authentic Jobs (Web Professionals)
- Coroflot
- Editor & Publisher
- Gamasutra.com: The Art and Business of Making Games (for animators and designers)
- HowDesign.com (for copywriters, multimedia/web designers, and other creative professionals)
- JournalismJobs.com
- JournalismNext.com
- Magazine Publishers of America
- MediaBistro.com: (jobs for editors, writers, television producers, graphic designers, and book publishers)
- Talent Zoo.com: Advertising, Marketing, and Public Relations Jobs (search under "Job Board")
- The Write Jobs.com: Journalism, Media, Publishing, Technical and Medical Writing Jobs
Modern Foreign Language
- Handshake:
- Preview modern foreign language jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
- Bilingual Crossing
- Go Government (federal positions seeking foreign language skills)
- GoingGlobal (International and Domestic Careers)
- Language Jobs.org (search under "Job seeker")
- MultiLingual Solutions
- Multilingual Vacancies.com (jobs are located mainly in the United Kingdom)
- Translator’s Café.com: Where Linguists and Their Clients Meet
- Handshake:
- Preview music jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Alexandria Symphony Orchestra
- American String Teachers Association
- Music Jobs.com (choose from jobs in the UK, US, or Germany)
- Music Library Association (search under "Job Placement Service" --> "Current Openings")
- Musical America Worldwide
- MusiciansWay (helps rising musicians develop professionally)
- National Association for Music Education
- National Association of Teachers in Singing
- Richmond Philharmonic Orchestra (select "Auditions")
- Richmond Symphony
- Virginia Band and Orchestra Directors Association
- Virginia Department of Education (search by zip code)
- Virginia Symphony Orchestra in Norfolk, VA
Musical Theatre
- Handshake:
- Preview musical theatre jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Actors Access
- Actors Center
- American Association of Community Theatre
- ArtJobs.com
- Artsearch
- Au-di-tions
- Backstage
- Dance.net
- Dance NYC – Auditions and Dance NYC - Jobs and Internships
- DanceUSA
- Mandy
- National Opera Center America
- New York Foundation of the Arts
- Olney Theatre Center
- Playbill
- Richmond Ballet
- Shakespeare Theatre
- USITT (Association for Performing Arts & Entertainment Professionals
- Virginia Stage Company at the Wells Theatre
- Washington Ballet
- Washington Performing Arts Society
- Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company (“Join Us”)
- Handshake:
- Preview nursing jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Absolutely Health Care
- American Nurses Association - Nurse Career Center
- American Psychiatric Nurses Association Career Line
- National Association of Neonatal Nurses - Career Center
- Nurse.org
- NursingJobCafe
- NursingJobs.org
- NursingALD.com
- Virginia Nurses Association (VNA)
- The Healthcare Student's Guide to Internships
- TravelNurseSource.com
- Travel Nursing Jobs - Cross Country TravCorps
Philosophy and Religion
- Handshake:
- Preview philosophy and religion jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Cadmus
- Center for Nonprofit Excellence
- Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life Jobs
- Idealist.org: Action without Borders (non-profit job and internship database)
- International Committee for the Red Cross
- International Rescue Committee
- Islamic Relief USA
- Japan Exchange and Teaching Program
- Legal Aid Justice Center
- Office of the Director of National Intelligence
- Peace Corps
- PhilJobs (Jobs for Philosophers)
- Public Service Careers
- Social Service job bank
- Southern Teachers Agency (recruiter for private schools)
- Tzu Chi USA
- Virginia Department of Education
- World Council of Churches
- Handshake:
- Preview physics jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- American Association of Physics Teachers
- American Astronomical Society Job Register
- American Institute of Physics
- American Physical Society
- Co-Ops, Internships, and Summer Research for Life Sciences
- National Science Foundation
- NewScientist: Physics Jobs
- brightrecruits.com
- Physics & Engineering Jobs worldwide | Tesla-Jobs.com
- Science Careers
Political Science
- Handshake:
- Preview political science jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- America Jobs
- American Political Science Association (search under "Jobs")
- Federal Job Search by Region
- Lobbying Jobs
- Policy Jobs
- The Hill
- U.S. Department of State
- Handshake:
- Preview psychology jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- American Psychological Association
- American Psychological Society (search under "Employment Ads")
- Learn Psychology
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Jobs
- Virginia Psychology Guide
Public Administration
- Handshake:
- Preview public administration jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- American Association of Political Consultants
- Chief Administrative Officer of the House
- City Year
- Federal Job Search
- Public Service Careers
Social Work
- Handshake:
- Preview social work jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- NASW Job Link (National Association of Social Workers)
- SocialWorkJobBank
- Social Work Guide
- Handshake:
- Preview sociology jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Global Jobs
- Idealist
- SocialService.com
Sport and Recreation Management
- Handshake:
- Preview sport and recreation management jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- SHAPE America
- Bluefishjobs.com
- Jobs in Sports Cost associated with searching job/internship databases
- National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics
- National Association of Sports Commissions
- National Recreation and Park Association Career Center
- NCAA: Careers in College Athletics
- Opportunities in Physical Education and Related Areas (OPERA)
- SportsCareers.com
- TeamWork Online – Sports Jobs
- WorkinSports.com
- Handshake:
- Preview theatre jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Actors Access
- Actors Center
- American Association of Community Theatre
- ArtJobs.com
- Artsearch
- Au-di-tions
- Backstage
- Mandy
- New York Foundation of the Arts
- Olney Theatre Center
- Playbill
- Shakespeare Theatre
- Stagesource
- USITT (Association for Performing Arts & Entertainment Professionals)
- Virginia Stage Company at the Wells Theatre
- Washington Performing Arts Society
- Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company (“Join Us”)
Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication
- Handshake:
- Preview writing, rhetoric, and technical communication jobs and internships
- Search related keywords in Handshake
- Council of Science Editors
- Dice.com: Jobs for Technology Professionals
- Editor&Publisher.com
- HowDesign.com (for copywriters, multimedia/web designers, and other creative professionals)
- Magazine Publishers of America
- MediaBistro.com (jobs for editors, writers, television producers, graphic designers, book publishers, and people in production)
- National Association of Government Communicators (membership required)
- Publisher’s Catalogue Directory (search for companies by location or topic)
- Shenandoah Valley Technology Council (search under "Resources" and "Job Openings")
- Society for Professional Journalists
- Society for Technical Communication Career Center (must be a member to access job bank)
- Society of American Business Editors and Writers (free registration required: select "web only member- free")
- Talent Zoo: Advertising, Marketing, and Public Relations Jobs (search under "Job Board")
- Usability Professional’s Association (search under "Careers")