Students gain community and school based learning and service opportunities through their practicum and internship experiences.
They begin practica as a part of coursework class assignments during the first semester and continue throughout the program, and formally take place in both the public schools and the JMU Shenandoah Valley Child Development Center; other additional sites may be used as well, such as mental health clinics, residential or private schools, or specialized educational settings.
The Internship in School Psychology is seen as that part of the training program which provides the student and supervisors a chance to evaluate the student's knowledge and skills in a controlled but real and practical setting. It is viewed as an opportunity for the student to develop a clear and professional identity and move toward assumption of full responsibility as a school psychologist. The internship is seen as that point of training which integrates all previous training experiences by means of practical application in the schools and in some cases additional settings.
Read more about our practica and internships.