Speakers & Sessions - Standardized Patient Workshop

Kirk J. Armstrong

Kirk J. Armstrong, EdD, LAT, ATC

Kirk Armstrong is a Professor and Academic Unit Head for the Department of Health Professions at James Madison University. He previously served as an athletic training program director with expertise in simulations and standardized patients. Kirk has also made numerous state, regional and national presentations regarding the use of standardized patients to document student learning outcomes in athletic training.

Kirk has an interest in institutional and programmatic accreditation, having participated in regional accreditation site visits and written programmatic accreditation self-studies. He is an accreditation site visitor for the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education. In addition, he served as the external evaluator for grants through the National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation. He earned his Bachelor of Science from the University of Indianapolis, Master of Science from Middle Tennessee State University, and Doctor of Education from Ball State University.

Jamie Frye

Jamie Frye, PhD, LAT, ATC

Jamie Frye has been a faculty member at James Madison since the fall of 2007. She is a Professor in the Department of Health Professions, and serves as the Director of the Athletic Training Program. She received her BS at Coe College, her MS in Athletic Training at Indiana State University, and her PhD in Sports Medicine at the University of Virginia.  Her specific areas of interest include emergency management of injuries & illnesses and the use of standardized patients in clinical education to promote skill development and critical thinking.

Stacy Walker

Stacy E. Walker, PhD, LAT, ATC, FNATA

Stacy E. Walker, PhD, ATC, FNATA is a Professor of Athletic Training at Ball State University. She has been using standardized patients and simulations for many years. Her research agenda focuses on using standardized patients to provide additional clinical education experiences for athletic training students and the transition to the practice of newly credentialed athletic trainers. She obtained her bachelor of science degree from Southern Illinois University, a master's in rehabilitative science from Clarion University, and a master's degree in athletic training from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, followed by her Doctor of Philosophy degree in administration and teaching from the University of Southern Mississippi.

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