Welcome to the Department of Kinesiology! In this department, faculty and students collaborate in research and engaged learning to study human movement from many different perspectives, including physiological, biomechanical, developmental, and psychosocial perspective. Our faculty are not only highly productive researchers and dedicated educators, but also passionate about working with students both in the classroom, as well as in laboratories, outreach programs, and other community settings. Kinesiology students have the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning and research throughout their academic career. These practical experiences allow students to fully explore their own interests in this field and make them much stronger candidates in their applications to both jobs and graduate school.
The Department of Kinesiology has several programs, including:
B.S. in Kinesiology with a concentration in Exercise Science: The exercise science program prepares students to either enter the fitness industry (including areas such as personal or group fitness training, corporate wellness, or strength and conditioning) or pursue graduate training in one of several health-related professional fields. Each year, many JMU Exercise Science students choose to continue into graduate school to pursue exercise physiology, strength and conditioning, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and athletic training along with other health-related fields.
B.S./ M.A.T. in Kinesiology with a concentration in Physical and Health Education Teacher Education (PHETE): JMU’s PHETE program is a 5-year program in which students complete both a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and a Master of Arts in Teaching and are eligible for Virginia licensure to teach Pre-K–12 physical and health education. Students who successfully complete the 5-year program have extremely high placement rates in jobs in the K-12 system.
M.S. in Exercise Physiology: The 2-year master’s program in Exercise Physiology offers advanced training in the field of exercise, including aspects of metabolism, cardiorespiratory and muscular physiology, and epidemiology, among other areas. Students can tailor their program based on their career goals after the master’s, including pursuing to doctoral work, entering related fields such as clinical exercise physiology, or other aspects of the health and fitness industry.
Minor in Coaching Education: Our NCACE accredited minor is an excellent opportunity for students from any major across campus who want to stay engaged in coaching after finishing their college careers. This program prepares students to be effective and positive coaches for youth and K-12 coaching positions
We’re glad you’re considering the Department of Kinesiology. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or stop by and visit us in Godwin Hall.
Liz Edwards, PhD, FACSM
Academic Unit Head, Professor
Questions can be directed to: jmukinesiology@jmu.edu or 540-568-6145