Senior Lecturer, Chemistry
Year Started at JMU: 2015
Contact Info
Research Description
- Novel teaching pedagogies for undergraduate chemistry curriculums
- Interaction of strong fields with matter
- Ultrafast spectroscopies
- Electronic processes in nanoscale materials
- PhD in Chemistry, 2009, Penn State University
- BS in Chemistry, 2002, University of Mary Washington
Select Publications
- D. E. Blumling; C. A. Hughey; B. M. Boardman; O. H. Judd; C. E. Berndsen; D. M. Boeckmann; D. M. Panuvic. "Looking to Move Away from Expository General Chemistry Laboratories? We May Have a Cure for What 'Ales' You" J. Chem. Ed. 99, 12, 3858-3870, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.2c00363
- B. A. Reisner; D. S Amenta; D. E. Blumling; J. Hagmaier; C. A. Hughey; Q. Liu; I. Sumner; L. M. Watkins. "Implementing an anonymized and scaffolded search at a primarily undergraduate institution" ChemArxiv 2022. https://doi.org/10.26434/chemrxiv-2022-39cff-v3
- D. E. Blumling; S. McGill; K. L. Knappenberger, Jr. "The influence of applied magnetic fields on the optical properties of zero- and one-dimensional CdSe nanocrystals” Nanoscale 5, 9049-9056, 2013. (Featured as a “Hot Article”)