The Computer Science academic advising team is here to help you identify your goals, opportunities, and challenges of your academic decisions. We are available to offer support, encouragement and steer you to campus resources when needed. Together we will clarify and develop your academic plan and prepare you for internships, graduate school and ultimately your career.

We recommend that you to get to know your academic advisor, meet and communicate regularly. Any JMU student can schedule a meeting with their advisor through MyMadison Connect or email 


Meet with an Advisor

Paige Normand is our Academic Advisor to all Computer Science majors and minors. While all students in our major also have a faculty advisor assigned to them, Ms. Normand can help any CS student to:

  • create a course schedule
  • develop a path to graduation
  • prepare to apply to the major
  • answer questions about transfer credits, summer classes, etc.
  • connect you to University resources
Departmental Academic Advisors

Major Advisors
Minors Advisors
Freshman Advisors
Transfer Advisors

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