4+1 accelerated MEng program for JMU Engineering students

JMU has partnered with the Virginia Tech College of Engineering to help our students pursue an accelerated Master of Engineering (MEng). Currently, enrolled students can be prepared for early admission to Virginia Tech's MEng degree in Computer Engineering (CpE) or Computer Science and Applications (CSA) as early as spring of their junior year.

Once accepted, Engineering students can take up to 6 credits during their senior year that can count toward their graduation requirements at JMU and as graduate credits toward their MEng degree at VT.

Once students begin their MEng degree at VT, they can complete their coursework for the MEng degree in as few as 12 months: a fall, spring, and summer semester with a 9-credit course load each semester.

How to Apply

JMU students can apply at the end of their junior year. To apply you'll need

  • A minimum GPA of 3.3 is required at the time of application to the program; once accepted into the program, students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 for the remainder of their undergraduate coursework
  • Statement of purpose, including career objectives
  • A resume
  • Copy of transcripts; an official one will be required at admission
  • 1-2 Letters of Recommendation (depending on ECE or CSA Program)

Once accepted, you can take up to 6 credit hours of 400-level coursework that will count toward your MEng during the last academic year and earn a B from the following list of eligible courses for transfer to the MEng ECE or CSA degree program. Note: Only courses taken in the last 12 months of an undergraduate degree count towards the program. Junior students who enrolled in equivalent courses cannot receive credit.

Students do not need to take the GREs to apply to the VT program.

Apply Now

JMU courses that have equivalencies for the VT MEng, CpE, and CSA programs

JMU Engineering Course

VT Equivalent

ENGR 440: Mechatronics

ECE 4XXX: Generic Elective

ENGR 445: Embedded System Design

ECE 4XXX: Generic Elective

CS 430: Programming Languages

CS 4XXX: (CSA Program Only)

CS 432: Compiler Construction

CS 4304: Compiler Design and Implementation

CS 452: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

CS 4104: Data and Algorithm Analysis

CS 470: Parallel and Distributed Computing

CS 4234: Parallel Computation

CS 444: Artificial Intelligence

CS 4804: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

CS 445: Machine Learning

CS 4824: Machine Learning

CS 457: Information Security

CS 4264: Principles of Computer Security

CS 458: Cyber Defense

CS 4XXX: Generic Elective

CS 488: Computer Graphics Applications

CS 4204: Computer Graphics

500-level CS courses at JMU are forthcoming and will be submitted for evaluation by VT to determine equivalencies.

For questions or more information regarding the Virginia Tech MEng degree program in Blacksburg, contact the Virginia Tech Computer Science Graduate Program Director, Samantha Pipkin 

For questions or more information regarding what courses to take in preparation for admission into the Virginia Tech MEng degree program, please contact the James Madison University Engineering Advisor Jason Forsyth.

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