Sammy chose JMU Engineering because of its unique, hands-on style of teaching engineering. “I love its interdisciplinary approach and how I can’t get stuck doing something I don't like. In addition, I appreciate going from a big school to a small engineering program that is more focused.” She was excited about “sharing this amazing program with others,” and being an EA made that a reality. “I'm passionate about making STEM available to youth and I saw Engineering Ambassadors as an avenue to make that happen.”
Sammy belongs to Madison Welders, Theta Tau and Club Rowing. She likes to build things and craft DIY projects at home. Sammy enjoys going out with friends and taking long walks across campus but makes time for weightlifting at the gym.
How is JMU Engineering preparing you for your future?
“JMU Engineering is preparing me for what it's like to work on real-world engineering problems. I'm learning hands-on technical skills that will carry me through my career. It has also equipped me with the confidence to drive my passion for STEM for the rest of my life.”
Advice for prospective students:
“Follow what you want to do no matter how abnormal your path might seem. Uniqueness will always make your life feel more interesting and bearable. GO DUKES!”