Explore, learn, connect, and make a difference
Joining a geography student organization opens a world of opportunities for you. From expanding your geographical knowledge and developing practical skills to networking with professionals and contributing to meaningful projects – the benefits are numerous.
Geography Club
The JMU Geography Club is a student organization full of geography enthusiasts passionate about global and local communities who work to introduce and promote the knowledge of geographical issues. Members are united by the beliefs that we have the ability to alter the relationship between human societies and the environment in a positive way. Membership is not restricted to Geographic Science students. Dues are $5 per semester.
As part of the club, students will be involved in
- Promoting the major
- The local Farmer’s Market
- Hiking trips
- Communicating with alumni
- Trips to Massanutten
- The Community
- Documentary showings
- Geography awareness week
- Geography bee
- Mapathons
For questions or more information, please Mace Bentley
Gamma Theta Upsilon
Gamma Theta Upsilon (GTU) is an international honor society in geography. Chapter activities support geography knowledge and awareness. Club goals include
- Futhering professional interest in Geography by affording a common organization for those interested in the field.
- Strengthening student and professional training through academic experiences in addition to those of the classroom and laboratory.
- Advancing the status of Geography as a cultural and practical discipline for study and investigation.
- Encouraging student research of high quality, and to promote an outlet for publication.
- Creating and administer funds for furthering graduate study and/or research in the field of Geography.
- Encouraging members to apply geographic knowledge and skills in service to humankind.
Geography majors and minors with at least 3 semesters of college coursework completed as well as a 3.3 GPA overall and in geography are welcome to join. Please contact Helmut Kraenzle for more information. You may also visit GTU.