Student organizations can be a great way to get involved with the community and meet new people. They offer leadership opportunities, learning experiences, and environments to network with professionals.
Intelligence Analysis Club
Intelligence Analysis Club* (IA Club) is a student-led organization devoted to providing a professional network and social community for students who are interested in the Intelligence Community and related fields.
IA Club serves its members by providing a forum for the exchange of information, tools, and resources that foster educational excellence and professional development. Students expand their practical knowledge of the IA program and the intelligence field by exploring relevant issues with peers, faculty, alumni, and guest speakers.
Delta Phi Epsilon
Chi Chapter of Delta Phi Epsilon (DPE) is a professional co-ed fraternity that was chartered on February 19, 2016, at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. We are a group of students from a wide range of majors that value integrity, professionalism, and, most importantly, foreign service. We strive for intellectual education to facilitate growth and encourage young men and women at James Madison University to pursue careers in foreign service, international affairs, and work abroad.
Diversity and Inclusion in Global Security
Diversity and Inclusion in Global Security (DIGS) is a student-led organization committed to supporting, encouraging, and educating students of underrepresented groups about career opportunities in global security. The club hosts guest speakers, professional development workshops, and social events. Given the multidisciplinary nature of global security, almost any major is well suited to DIGS.
Women in Technology
Women in Technology (WIT) is an all-female organization dedicated to maintaining an active network of women in the technology disciplines. The disciplines include, but are not limited to, Computer Science, Integrated Science and Technology, Engineering, Computer Information Systems, Technical and Scientific Communication, and the School of Media Arts & Design. WIT strives to facilitate career development and empower women to be the architects of change in the technology industries. Watch the video.