From Vietnam to Jordan to Tajikstan and beyond... for 25 years CISR has worked in humanitarian development around the world! We look forward to serving the CWD community for years to come.
Founding and Development as Information Clearinghouse
- 1996: Humanitarian Demining Information Center founded, Col (ret) Dennis Barlow as director
- 1997: Journal of Humanitarian Demining launched
- 1998–2000: First field program: MRE in Vietnam
- 1999: HDIC renamed the Mine Action Information Center (MAIC)
- 1999: Journal renamed The Journal of Mine Action
- 1999: Frasure-Kruzel-Drew Memorial Fellowship launched
- 2001: International Mine Action Standards website launched
Expansion of Programming Leads to New Name
- 2002: Co-hosted five conferences and workshops
- 2003: Online ORDATA ordnance ID database
- 2004: First Mine Action Senior Managers’ Courses (SMC) at JMU
- 2005-07: Four additional SMC's at JMU
- 2008: Journal renamed The Journal of ERW and Mine Action
- 2008: Begin publishing To Walk the Earth in Safety
- 2008–10: Study of the Effects of Aging on Landmines
- 2008–14: “We Love Life” MRE projects in Jordan
- 2009: MAIC renamed The Center for International Stabilization & Recovery (CISR)
- 2009: Colombia Humanitarian Demining Planning Workshop
- 2009: First ERW Management Training in Jordan
New Director: Growth in New and Established Programs
- 2010: Dennis Barlow retires, Dr. Ken Rutherford named Director
- 2011: Pathways to Resilience peer support program in Lebanon
- 2013–15: Disability Rights Campaign in Vietnam
- 2014-15: Regional SMC's in Tajikistan and Vietnam
- 2015: Peer Leaders Program at Harrisonburg High School begins
- 2016: Journal renamed The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction
- 2016: CISR turns 20 years old!
- 2017-18: Regional SMC's held in Croatia and Tajikistan
- 2017: Global CWD Repository launched
- 2017: CISR co-hosts Cluster Munitions Remnant Survey Workshop
- 2019: 15th SMC held at JMU
25th Anniversary of CISR!
- 2020: Dr. Suzanne Fiederlein becomes CISR Interim Director
- 2020: 36th & 37th FKD Fellows selected to serve 2-years at the Department of State
- 2020: CISR/JMU partnership with American University of Kurdistan to assist with achieving U.S. accreditation
- 2020: COVID-19 Pandemic strikes and the world goes virtual
- 2021: Special 25th anniversary double issue of The Journal published
- 2021: The CISR Exchange interviews with Journal authors begin
- 2021: 20th edition of To Walk the Earth in Safety published
- 2021: CISR turns 25!

On September 21, 2021, CISR celebrated 25 years with a panel event featuring key stakeholders throughout CISR’s history. Moderated by Dr. Suzanne Fiederlein, the panel included
- Dr. Ken Rutherford, Former CISR Director/JMU Professor
- Dr. Anne Stewart, CISR Partner/JMU Professor
- Dr. Fariss Mousa, CISR Partner/JMU Professor
- Dr. Geary Cox (‘06, ‘08M, ‘19Ph.D.), JMU alumnus, Former CISR Employee, and current U.S. Department of State staff member
Their stories and experiences highlighted how CISR has impacted the global CWD community and connected JMU with the world.