A mural of a girl holding a stuffed bear with bombs at her feet

Join JMU’s Center for International Stabilization and Recovery, Ethical Reasoning in Action, and the Department of Political Science for Global Humanitarian Week: Ethics After War for a week of collaborative events exploring post-conflict stories from around the world.

Event Schedule:

Faculty Panel: The Ethics of Ending Wars and Building Peace
Monday, March 31 / 5:00–6:30pm @ Burrus Hall 0031
JMU’s Department of Political Science presents a faculty panel with Dr. Mirwais Balkhi from the Institute of International Education-Scholar Research Fund; Dr. Kerry Crawford, Professor of Political Science at JMU; and Dr. John Hulsey, Professor of Political Science at JMU. 

Dr. Ken Rutherford: 50 Years After the Vietnam War
Tuesday, April 1 / 7:00-8:00pm @ Miller Hall 1101 
Dr. Ken Rutherford, JMU Professor of Political Science, commemorates the fifty-year anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War, exploring the war’s repercussions to the present day, from its deadly legacy of explosives contamination that continues to threaten civilians and livelihoods, post-conflict lessons learned, and Dr. Rutherford’s personal reflections on meeting and working with survivors of the war’s deadly legacy. Sponsored by the Center for International Stabilization and Recovery.

Wednesday, April 2 / 7:00–8:00pm @ Miller Hall 1101 
Dr. Mahinda Deegalle from Bath Spa University in the United Kingdom expertise centers on the ethics of war, violence, and conflict in Buddhist societies in South and Southeast Asia, and “collateral damage” in relation to international humanitarian law. Sponsored by Ethical Reasoning in Action.

 All events are free and open to the public.


Guests to JMU may redeem a virtual visitor parking pass allowing you to park free of charge in all standard spaces on campus. There is no physical parking pass issued.

To redeem a virtual permits, guests should go to https://jmu.aimsparking.com and click on “Redeem Event Permit.” They will be prompted to select their event, enter the event code, and enter their vehicle information. Upon confirming the transaction, they will receive an email receipt. Directions for redeeming visitor permits can be found online at How to Redeem Your Virtual Parking Permit.

THE EVENT NAME IS: 03/31/25 - 04/02/25 Global Humanitarian Week - Ethics After War



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