Organization Name:
International Test & Evaluation Program for Humanitarian Demining (ITEP)

Organization Type:

Mission Statement:
On July 17, 2000, Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands, Sweden, Great Britain, the United States, and the European Commission signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the International Test and Evaluation Program for Humanitarian Demining (ITEP). Germany became an ITEP Participant in June 2002. The European Commission and Great Britain withdrew from ITEP in July 2006 and September 2007 respectively. ITEP's aim is to increase efforts within global demining through generating, collecting, and distributing objective, independent, scientifically based test and evaluation data on humanitarian demining materials, systems, and methods. ITEP's mission is to develop standards, coordinate and perform tests of materials and methods, and spread information about the results to all other interested parties. ITEP will by this means contribute to the resolution of the global landmine problem through impacting the acquisition process towards better, safer, and more cost-effective equipment and methods. Co-utilization of resources and expertise from participating ITEP countries will allow allocated resources to be used more efficiently, thus contributing to improvement of global humanitarian demining programs. Through its members, ITEP constitutes a global network of test and evaluation resources for humanitarian demining. Activities within ITEP are as follows: 1. Develop and use universally accepted and respected standards for test and evaluation methodology. 2. Collect, generate, and distribute robust, scientifically objective data on technologies, materials, and systems for humanitarian demining. 3. Establish a responsive and cost-effective international test and evaluation program. 4. Perform tests and evaluation of: - existing humanitarian demining equipment and systems - equipment and systems in development - promising technologies, processes, and algorithms.

Contact Information

Full Mailing Address:
ITEP Secretariat
Hosted by the Royal Military Academy of Belgium
30 av de la Renaissancelaan
B-1000 Brussels


Phone Number:
(+32) 02 737 6306

Fax Number:
(+32) 02 737 6472

Email Address:


Activity Detail(s)

  • Research and Technology
  • Clearance and Detection

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