Organization Name:
University of Auckland
Organization Type:
Mission Statement:
The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering is in the University of Auckland's School of Engineering. BE degrees are offered in three areas: Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer Systems Engineering, and Software Engineering (jointly with the Department of Computer Science). There are some 30 academic staff, 12 technical staff, 120 postgraduate students including 30 PhDs, and over 450 undergraduates. Numbers will grow as the Software Engineering programme students reach Part 4. Research areas include computational intelligence, control systems, power electronics, power systems, radio systems, and signal processing. The Department is actively hiring new staff.
Contact Information
Full Mailing Address:
The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
New Zealand
Phone Number:
+64 9 373 7599 ext 88158
Fax Number:
+64(9) 373-7461
Email Address:
Activity Detail(s)
- Advocacy and Diplomacy
Country(ies) of Operation
- Australia