Executive Director
Contact Info
Website: https://www.jmu.edu/cisr
Suzanne Fiederlein, Ph.D., joined CISR in 1999 working in various positions, including Associate Director, before stepping into the director’s role in 2020. Her work includes explosive ordnance risk education (EORE), information management, victim assistance, and training and capacity development projects. As coordinator of management training, Dr. Fiederlein directs the Senior Managers’ Courses in Conventional Weapons Destruction, which has been hosted 15 times at JMU and six times internationally since 2004. Among other varied project work she managed the “We Love Life” EORE project in Jordan, worked extensively on efforts to enhance the effectiveness of casualty data collection and management (Landmine Casualty Data: Best Practices Guidebook), furthered victim assistance activities in Latin America, and conducted program planning and evaluation workshops and studies. Early in her career she supported the development of the International Mine Action Standards and managed the IMAS website for ten years. Currently, Dr. Fiederlein serves on the International Mine Action Standards Review Board and the editorial board of The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction. In 2017, she received the JMU “Woman of Distinction” award, upon nomination by her CISR colleagues. She has graduate degrees from the University of Texas (M.A.) and University of Arizona (Ph.D.) and was a faculty member at Virginia Commonwealth University before coming to James Madison University. Her fields of academic research include refugee policy, international law and organizations, and Latin American politics.