Senior Lecturer, Hart School
Contact Info
Professional Webpage
Areas of Expertise
- Hospitality Revenue Management
- Hospitality Industry and its Education
- Hotels Websites key value attributes
- Cornell University School of Hotel Administration, Ithaca, NY, U.S.A. Master of Management in Hospitality (MBA accredited by AACSB), 2002.
Positions Held
- Lecturer (Aug.11-Present), James Madison University, Hart School of Hospitality, Sport and Recreation Management, Harrisonburg, VA 22807
- Teaching HM 311 Hotel Operations and Hospitality Technology, HTM 434 Purchasing, Cost Control and Financial Management, HTM 400 Hospitality and Tourism Seniors Seminar, HM 211 Overview of Hospitality and Tourism Management and HM 402 Supervisory Internship. National Society of Minorities (NSMH) Faculty Advisor. Co-editor of “Digest”, the School bi-annually News Letter. http://issuu.com/jmu-shsrm/docs/newsletter_-_final_4-30-14_spring_2
- Adjunct Professor: Universidad del Este, International School of Hospitality and Culinary Arts, Puerto Rico. Aug.10 – June 2011
- Teaching in English the courses ITHM300: Rooms Division, ITHM400: Revenue Management, ITHM102: Introduction to Management in Hospitality and ITHM280: Guest Service.
- Adjunct Professor: Universidad de Puerto Rico en Carolina, Escuela de Administración de Hoteles y Restaurantes. Sept.10 – June 2011
- Teaching in Spanish the courses ADHO 4415: Administración de Clubes y Hoteles Vacacionales, ADHO3107: Venta y Mercadeo de Hoteles and ADHO 3105: Introducción a la Administración de Hoteles y Restaurantes. Member of the Academic Curriculum Revision Committee; Member of the Research and Collaboration Committee.
- Adjunct Professor: Glion Institute of Higher Education Online (Switzerland), Online Masters of Business Administration Degree. Dec.2010 – Present
- Teaching courses in the area of Marketing, Management and Revenue management
- Executive Director and Professor: Hospitality Management Institute (HMI) Portugal. Dec. 08 – Mar. 10
- Launching this new institute, a joint venture between the Portuguese National Tourism Board (Portuguese government, Turismo de Portugal) and three Portuguese universities with Tourism and Hospitality programs. HMI aimed to provide advanced and excellence in training for executives and professionals in the tourism and hospitality industries and to undertake applied research. Gained strategic planning skills.
- Lecturer, Swiss Hotel Association, Hotel Management School “Les Roches”, Bluche, Switzerland. Sept 02 – Dec. 08
- Teaching courses on Yield and Revenue Management, E-Commerce and Distribution Management, Strategic Marketing and Dissertation Supervision to B.B.A., Post Graduate Diploma and M.B.A. students. Les Roches Marketing Pathway Leader. Organization Faculty Advisor for Les Roches baccalaureate degree granting nominees for the International Hospitality Management Honor Society Eta Sigma Delta (support of International CHRIE). Faculty member of the Laureate Education Hospitality working groups: Convergence of Curricula and Harmonization of delivery, Research Steering Committee and Library Committee.
Select Publications
Baltazar, M. (2014) Internationalizing Higher Education: Best Practices Addressing Inclusion of an Increasing International Diverse Audience of Students. Presented at the JMU 8th Annual Diversity Conference "Engaging Community: Creating Change", March 17th, 2014.
Baltazar, M. (2009) Revenue Management and its application within the Hospitality Industry: History and future development. In Sandra Rothenberger and Florian Siems, Pricing Perspectives: Marketing and Management Implications of New Theories and Applications (pp 175-205), Palgrave UK, January 2009, ISBN: 9780230207226 HB, Business & Management Collection 2009. http://www.palgraveconnect.com/pc/doifinder/10.1057/9780230594890
Baltazar, M. (2007) Revenue Management and its application within the Hospitality Industry: History and future development. Conference peered review research paper accepted for abstract publication and presentation at PRIMA 2007 Pricing and Marketing Conference (13th – 14th September 2007) organized in cooperation with the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences Innsbruck University School of Management, Austria
Baltazar, M. Domecq, C. F. Moraleda, L. F. (2004). Potencializar la distribución hotelera vía internet: el caso de la Península Ibérica. Presented at the Fifth Annual Congress of Tourism, Information Technologies and Communications. http://www.turismo.uma.es/turitec/turitec2004/docs/actas_turitec_pdf/2.pdf Escuela Universitaria de Turismo. Universidad de Málaga, Spain.
Baltazar, M. Domecq, C. F. Moraleda, L. F. (2003). La importancia de internet dentro de los canales de distribución en el sector hotelero. Hosteltur, Madrid, Spain.