Assistant Professor, Hart School
Contact Info
Professional Webpage
- Texas Woman's University feature article
Areas of Expertise
- Sport for development
- Event and Facility Management
- Professionalism in Sport
- Sport Management
- Higher Education in developing countries
- Ph.D. Candidate, Sport Management with a minor in Educational Leadership, Texas Woman’s University, USA - 2023
- M.S., Sport Management with a minor in Business, Texas Woman’s University, USA - 2020
- M.Com., Commerce, Jain University, India - 2015
- B.Com., St. Joseph’s College of Commerce, India - 2012
Positions Held
- Visiting Assistant Professor, James Madison University, 2022-2023
- Global Advisor, International Affairs, Texas Woman’s University, 2021 – 2023
- Founder, ATSIY, 2016-2023
- Graduate Teaching Assistant, Texas Woman’s University, 2019 – 2022
- Intern, Fort Worth Sports Commission, Texas 2019 – 2020
- International group coordinator and basketball community coach, Dallas Mavericks, Summer 2019
Select Publications
“Athlete endorsements: Exploring the challenges faced by female soccer players in Cameroon.” Manuscript submitted to The International Journal of Sport and Society.
“Who is the female athlete endorser? Experiences from professional women's soccer players in India.” Presented at 2020 NASSM Virtual Conference, San Diego, CA. Manjunath, S., Elms, R., Picariello, M., Weatherford, G. (2022).
A qualitative analysis of the international sport exchange program between India and United States - https://twu-ir.tdl.org/handle/11274/12827 Manjunath, S., Elms, R., Picariello, M., Weatherford, G. (2020).