Interim Academic Unit Head and Assoc. Professor, Business Management; MBA Program
Contact Info
Professional Website
Teaching and Research Interests
- Leadership
- Creativity/innovation
- Organizational behavior
- Teams
- Organizational psychology
- Evidence-based management
- Decision-making
- Entrepreneurship
- Ph.D., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, University of Oklahoma, 2013
- M.S., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, University of Oklahoma, 2011
- B.A., Psychology (Minor in Business Management), Brigham Young University-Idaho, 2009
Positions Held
- Associate Professor, Management, College of Business, James Madison University, (2023-present)
- Assistant Professor, Management, College of Business, James Madison University (2016-2023)
- Assistant Professor, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick (2013-2016)
- Graduate Assistant & Instructor, University of Oklahoma (2009-2013)
Select Publications
Friedrich, T.L., Peterson, D.R., & Van Doorn, S. (In Press). Exploring the sequential relationship of a leader’s collective leadership style and the team’s shared leadership: The moderating role of gender. Group and Organization Management.
Peterson, D. R., & Pattie, M. W. (2022). Think Outside and Inside the Box:The Role of Dual-Pathway Divergent Thinking in Creative Idea Generation. Creativity Research Journal. https://doi.org/10.1080/10400419.2022.2110738
Marques-Quinteiro, P.M., van Dijk, H., Peterson, D.R., Adamovic, M., Buengeler, C., & Santos, C.M. (2022). A model of leadership transitions in teams. Group and Organization Management, 47(2), 342-372. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/10596011221082394
Peterson, D.R. (2019). “Are Satisfied Employees Productive or Productive Employees Satisfied? How Leaders Think About and Apply Causal Information.” In M.D. Mumford (Ed.). Leader Thinking Skills: Capacities for 21st Century Leadership. New York: Taylor & Francis. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334705065_Are_Satisfied_Employees_Productive_or_Productive_Employees_Satisfied
Thiel, C. E., Hardy, J. H., Peterson, D. R., Welsh, D. T., Bonner, J. M. (2018). Too Many Sheep in the Flock? Span of Control Attenuates the Influence of Ethical Leadership. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103(12), 1324-1334. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2018-34844-001
Awards and Recognitions
- 1st Place Basic or Discovery Scholarship Award, JMU College of Business - 2021
- MBA Course Development Grant - 2021
- Nominated for Otto Brenner Award for Teaching - 2018, 2020, 2021
- MBA Graduate Teaching Award, JMU - 2017
- Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence nominee, PhD Program, University of Warwick - 2015
- Warwick Ventures research grant award, Warwick Business School - 2014-2015
- Recognition of Teaching Excellence, MBA Program, Warwick Business School - 2014
- Global Research Priorities Funds, Warwick Business School - 2014
- Teaching Evidence-Based Management to Undergraduates, Part 1 and Part 2 - 2023
- Encouraging the Next Generation of Innovative Thinkers - 2020
- Invited guest, BBC Business Daily, “Negotiation for Dummies,” - 2013
- Invited guest, BBC Breakfast, “Social exclusion at school and preparing children for the world of work,” - 2013