Director, Hart School
Contact Info
Professional Webpage
Areas of Expertise
- Service Quality, Services Marketing
- Interorganizational Relationships
- Business Strategy in Sport
- Sport Tourism
- Ph.D. Sport & Exercise Management, The Ohio State University
- M.A. Not-for-Profit Management, University of Maryland University College
- B.A. Management, Virginia Tech
Select Publications
Shonk, D.J., Bravo, G. (2019), "Sport Mega-Event complexity and reputation: Development of a model," accepted for publishing in the International Journal of Hospitality and Event Management, 2(2) 155-172.
Park, S., Won, D. and Shonk, D.J. (2019), "A meta-analysis of gender differences in volunteers motivations: sport vs. non-sport events," International Journal of Sustainable Society, 11(3), 186201.
Shonk, D.J., Bosley, A.T. (2014), Chapter 8: Marketing, "Ticketing and Sports Promotion," in Intercollegiate Athletic Administration, Weight, E., & Zullo, R. (Eds)., Human Kinetics
Greenwell, T.C., Danzy-Bussell, L.A., Shonk, D.J. (2013). "Managing Sport Events," Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Bravo, G. A., Won, D., Shonk, D. J. (2012), "Entry-level employment in intercollegiate athletic departments: Non-readily observables and readily observable attributes of job candidates," Journal of Sport Administration & Supervision 4(1), 63-78.