You may contact a member of the Steering Committee in your area to express interest in getting involved. In the future, there will be opportunities to participate in demonstrations, as well as testing and training for new technology that will be implemented as part of this program.
Each area will be impacted in different ways. Many offices and individuals will be key contributors to implementing new systems, designing business processes and preparing our data for conversion to new technology.
This website will be updated regularly. Additionally, a quarterly email will be sent to JMU campus.
No, the CRM will NOT replace our current Peoplesoft systems. Our HR, Finance, and Student systems are targeted to begin implementation activities in FY 2026. Planning for our Student system is slated to begin FY 2027 with implementation to begin in FY 2028. The diagram below shows functions that typically reside in ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) applications such as Peoplesoft, versus CRM (Constituent Relationship Management) applications.