Research to Impact (R2I) seeks to build a working relationship with researchers and inventors to facilitate the awareness of the technology transfer process. Once we receive invention disclosures, we review the invention with its inventor(s) to learn about potential applications. We evaluate these disclosures for their commercial possibilities by analyzing the IP space of similar inventions. This IP assessment provides valuable insight to the inventor, the university, potential partners and investors as to who and what inventions are in the space as well as how unique the invention or concept is to the marketplace. 

With the IP assessment as a springboard, we develop a licensing strategy, consider the technical and market risks, decide whether to patent the invention, identify companies that may be interested in developing the invention, and seek a champion within a company before negotiating a licensing agreement through R2I.  Likewise, we consider whether the invention warrants the creation of a company, a desirable outcome for economic development for the right invention and the right team of people to take it to market.

Successful licensing results in royalties collected by JMI and shared with the inventors, their departments, and colleges according to the university's Intellectual Policy #1107. It is our goal to engage in long-term collaborative relationships with industry are developed to sustain on-going research for a pipeline of collaborative research and innovation at JMU.  Also see Take it to Market for additional information.

Government Policies

R2I follows the policies and procedures of James Madison University, which are adapted from state and national laws. It is important for anyone involved with the transfer of technology to be aware of national laws along with state (Virginia) policies. Below is a list of such laws and policies: 

Submit a Disclosure Form

To disclose an invention, faculty or students must complete a disclosure form. A disclosure form includes pertinent information about the invention such as a list of the inventors, a description of the invention, and information about a pre-existing sponsorship if one exists. Submitting a disclosure form is the first step towards gaining a copyright for your invention. 

The disclosure process can be puzzling for first time inventors so we have created a help sheet for your convenience. The help sheet breaks down the process by each section of the form.

Please submit completed Disclosure forms to and a signed original to:

JMU Research to Impact
Office of Economic & Community Development
127 W. Bruce Street
Ice House 225, MSC 4904
Harrisonburg, VA 22807

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