The JMU University Economic Development Council (UEDC) will foster communication and partnerships between university stakeholders engaged in regional and state-wide economic development efforts. By strengthening the network of practitioners and enhancing information flow across campus, the UEDC strives to build strong collaborations with employers, agencies, community organizations and other stakeholders that advance innovation, talent and quality of life within the Shenandoah Valley and Commonwealth of Virginia.

The UEDC has several priorities for the current academic year:

Objective 1:
Develop frameworks and strategies for communication, opportunity sharing, and awareness within and beyond the UEDC

Objective 2:
Support submission of the ALPU IEP designation application

Objective 3:
Create an asset map of university development activities and mapping to the Talent, Innovation, and Place framework

Objective 4:
Plan and operationalize execution of the IEP Growth and Improvement strategies


University Economic Development Council Members
Profile Image for Keith Holland

Keith Holland

Vice President, Research & Economic Development

Profile Image for Suzanne Bergmeister

Suzanne Bergmeister

Executive Director, Gilliam Center for Entrepreneurship

Profile Image for Carrie Combs

Carrie Combs

Senior Director, Corporate and Foundation Relations

Profile Image for Kim Davidson

Kim Davidson

Director, Community Engagement & Volunteer Center

Profile Image for Allison Dugan

Allison Dugan

Director, Shenandoah Valley Small Business Development Center

Profile Image for Brandi Duncan

Brandi Duncan

Director of Engagement, Office of the President

Profile Image for Savanna Funkhouser

Savanna Funkhouser

Assistant Director, State Government Relations

Profile Image for Amanda Kellogg

Amanda Kellogg

Director, Professional Development

Profile Image for Sarah Koerner

Sarah Koerner

Coordinator for University Outreach & Events, University Career Center

Profile Image for Jay Langston

Jay Langston

Executive Director, Shenandoah Valley Partnership

Profile Image for Kathryn Nusa Logan

Kathryn Nusa Logan

Executive Director, Center for Creative Propulsion

Profile Image for Marissa Manko

Marissa Manko

Associate A.D. for Business & Finance

Profile Image for Shaun Mooney

Shaun Mooney

Executive Director, First Generation Student Success

Profile Image for Andy Perrine

Andy Perrine

Associate Vice President, University Marketing & Branding

Profile Image for Katie Weaver

Katie Weaver

Director, Office of Procurement Services

Profile Image for Malika Carter-Hoyt

Malika Carter-Hoyt

Ex-Officio Member - Vice President, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

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