The Eight Key Question framework provides a common language to talk about the ethical considerations of an issue or decision. This inquiry-based framework for teaching ethical reasoning makes it accessible to most faculty, staff, administrators, and students interested in educating others in ethical reasoning. Ethical Reasoning in Action provides various professional development and networking opportunities to support and help prepare those individuals and organizations who want to be a part of this university-wide effort.


Core Introduction to the Eight Key Questions

In this workshop you will learn more about the origins and nuances of this inquiry-based process and apply the Eight Key Questions in an interactive, discussion-based small group format. After your participation in this workshop and based on your level of interest, we welcome your deeper involvement with Ethical Reasoning in Action and efforts to educate students in ethical reasoning. This workshop is facilitated by ERiA staff, fellows, and others with an intrinsic interest in this work.

Customized for Unit or Organization

Individual academic and other units at JMU can request a workshop customized to fit their needs for introducing or delving into the Eight Key Questions within their discipline or organizational focus. Lengths and content can be varied. Custom workshops can be facilitated by ERiA staff and fellows in collaboration with the unit's leadership. 

Curriculum Development

The conceptual foundation provided in the Core workshop mentioned above is an important experience to begin envisioning ethical reasoning in your content area. Additional preparation and pedagogical inspiration is a valuable next step. Several faculty members have successfully improved student learning in ethical reasoning after just one semester of pedagogy, as measured by the ethical reasoning essay rubric. These faculty from various disciplines would like to share with colleagues their strategies and pedagogies. You can also listen to Background and Teaching Tips on Ethical Reasoning, a short podcast featuring two JMU faculty and ERiA fellows, Audrey Burnett and Kara Kavanagh.

ERiA staff, fellows, and faculty consultants are available throughout the academic year and summer to support faculty in their planning and inclusion of the 8KQ as part of their instruction. Contact to discuss your specific interests.

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