This online estimator was developed to help families plan for future educational costs at James Madison University.

The figures provided in this tool are estimations and are subject to change based on changes in school costs, changes to your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), modifications to awarding formulas, and fund availability. This estimation is not intended to serve as a financial aid offer.

March 1st Priority Filing Date

The Department of Education must receive your FAFSA by March 1st to be considered an "on time filer". We suggest you submit the FAFSA on-line a few days before March 1st to ensure timely receipt. 

JMU’s FAFSA Priority Filing Date is March 1, 2025. This is a priority date, not a deadline. 

If you cannot meet the priority date, we encourage you to complete the FAFSA as early as possible, even after March 1st. 

We will offer awards as long as funds remain available to applicants who submit the FAFSA before or after March 1, 2025. 

Complete the FAFSA

Keep In Mind

The JMU Board of Visitors will set 2025-2026 costs in April 2025. The costs displayed in this calculator are estimations only, and not predictive of what costs may be in 2025-2026.

JMU offered scholarships are not included in this estimate. This is only an estimation of potential grants, Work Study, and loan eligibility using the information inputted such as your Student Aid Index (SAI) from the FAFSA.
For those unable to complete a FAFSA, use the Federal Student Aid Estimator to generate an estimated SAI to use in this calculator
Net Price Calculator
Net Price Calculator
Do you qualify as a Virginia Resident ?
Where will you be living ?
When did you file your Dept of Education FAFSA application  ?
What academic level will you be ?
What is your FAFSA Student Aid Index (SAI) ?
What amount will you receive in scholarships for the academic year ?
Award Estimate
This is not an official award notice, and it is not binding on JMU or the Department of Education. It is an estimate based on current Cost of Attendance (COA). The data you provide and the results will not be stored by James Madison University.
Undergraduate Net Cost Calculator
Enrollment Classification
Living Status
Enrollment Status
Academic Level
Dept of Education received your FAFSA
FAFSA Student Aid Index (SAI)
Scholarships you reported
Your Cost of Attendance (COA)
Average Loan Fees
Personal Costs
Total Cost of Attendance (COA)
Your Initial Need Calculation
Cost of Attendance (COA)
Less Adjusted SAI
Total Need Before Aid
Your Estimated Award Eligibility
Scholarships You Reported, Not JMU Awarded
Federal Direct Subsidized Loan
Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan
Additional Loans
Federal Work Study
Total Aid Package
Your Net Price Estimate
Cost of Attendance (COA)
Less Grants/ Scholarships
Net Price
Your Unmet Need Estimate
Cost of Attendance (COA)
Less Total Aid Package
Unmet Need
Your Direct Cost Estimate
University Charges
Less Grants and Scholarships
Remaining Charges

Scholarship selections for Early Action admitted students that are solely merit-based (i.e. no financial need component) will be made by mid-February. Only students selected as scholarship recipients will be emailed notifications from by the end of February.

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