The Gandhi Center at JMU, as a nonprofit, relies on the generous support of individuals, corporations, and foundations to sustain the work that it does to promote the ideas and ideals of justice and nonviolence.

Your donation allows the Gandhi Center's vision of a more just and nonviolent world to grow for our children. Please consider supporting the work of the Gandhi Center with a tax-deductible donation.

Give Online Now

A volunteer sharing a book with students at peace camp

Students watching a video screen at peace camp

Students doing yoga at Peace Camp


Make an Online Gift
Use your credit card or Paypal for a secure online gift. Select "Gandhi Center" under "Search for Other Giving Areas" and "Centers and Institutes."

Named Endowments
Endowment programs are the cornerstone of support for the Gandhi Center. These funds can be established for general purposes or to support specific programs. Learn more about these funds.

In addition to financial contributions, you can support the work of the Gandhi Center by:

  • Introducing the Center to potential sources of support
  • Donating gifts-in-kind (books, computer equipment and software, and furniture)
  • Volunteering your time and talents
  • Providing pro bono technical assistance or professional services

Volunteers leading a group of students at peace camp

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