Carrier Library will make a transformational impact on this campus. While the Commonwealth of Virginia has provided the funds for basic renovation and expansion, JMU seeks to raise $4 million so that Carrier Library can live up to its full campuswide potential. By naming a space in the library, you will be making a direct impact on each and every JMU student and faculty member.

Browse the future spaces

Please contact Cynthia Cline for more information about Carrier Library naming opportunities.

Cynthia Cline
James Madison University
Sonner Hall, MSC 4406
Harrisonburg VA 22807

The table below is best viewed at horizontal orientation on your device.

Available Naming Opporunities

Space Status Amount
New Wing NAMED $2,500,000
Grand Reading Room PENDING $1,000,000
Digital Scholarship and Distinctive Collections Suite PENDING $750,000
Furious Flower Suite $500,000
Historic Entrance NAMED $500,000
North Commons $500,000
North Plaza  $500,000
South Commons PENDING $500,000
South Plaza  $500,000
Atrium $450,000
Browsing Room $300,000
Lounge $300,000
Mezzanine, arc & core $250,000
Reading Room, Historical 1st floor (fireplace), rm. 1051 RESERVED $250,000
Reading Room, Historical 1st floor, rm. 1044 $250,000
Staircase $250,000
Studio $250,000
Futures Classroom $200,000
Reading Room, Furious Flower PENDING $200,000
Media Studio $150,000
Mezzanine, historical $150,000
Classroom, Large $125,000
Classroom  NAMED $100,000
Conservation Lab NAMED $100,000
Reading Room (1), Historical 2nd floor $100,000
Anatomy Room NAMED $50,000
Accessible Tech Lab NAMED $50,000
Gallery NAMED $50,000
Group Study, glass overlook (3) $50,000
Meeting Room, Large (1) $50,000
Meeting Room, Medium (3) $35,000
Group Study, Historical (15) $30,000
Sunken Garden NAMED $30,000
Conference Room $25,000
Group Study (16) $25,000
Meeting Room (5) $25,000
Study Nook  PENDING $15,000

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